I did the fade as a teenager in the mid-70s (right after I got my driver's license in 1976, something that was never supposed to happen because the Big A would be here first). My belief had been slowly torn down by the lead-up to '75, then crushed by the message that the WT had never said what I had personally heard them say.
Around that time, I read an excerpt of Harrison's book in Ms. Magazine, then 30 Years a Watchtower Slave...and pretty much just walked away. Over the years, I'd pay attention whenever somethng about the JWs made the mainstream news (the TIME article on Ray Franz), but I never picked up the book. Then, I went back to grad school, and while researching something else, stumbled across Penton's book, APOCALYPSE DELAYED (this was in 1995, I think). After reading that, I did a quick search of the 'Net, found H2O, and finally ended up here.
Mind you, this entire time--more than 30 years--my family has been hoping I'd "straighten up" and come back. Argh.