'Father Ted'
I have the whole series on dvd
It was the shot of humour I needed to get me through the drudgery of being a jehovahs witness.
Shame that Dermot Morgan died, as would have loved to see more episodes made.
i know a lot of people were upset when mash ended.
i never was a big fan of the show, probably because it was on a meeting night, but it was a very popular show.. i loved hill street blues, taxi, all in the family, the rifleman, even superman!
i wished those shows never stopped!.
'Father Ted'
I have the whole series on dvd
It was the shot of humour I needed to get me through the drudgery of being a jehovahs witness.
Shame that Dermot Morgan died, as would have loved to see more episodes made.
i have been looking around here for a while but this is my first post.
my wife and i have been fading not so smoothly.
i pretty much know this is not the truth but am still undecided how i feel on various issues and i am still sorting them out.
Hi Hoggieman
Good advice from the ex elders on this thread.
Whats more you are best to fade away gradually. Saves a lot of hassle all round.
the title of this series of threads is rhetorical.
i am going to answer it with my own experience.
before i do that, i want to discuss what we are told through the literature and the instruction that is given during meetings, assemblies and conventions, for the reasons why people leave the truth.. the watchtower of 15 november 2008, in the article help them return without delay indicates people leave because of the following:.
Hi Cantleave,
I juSt diScovered I am the same age as you.
Am looking forward to part 2.
blondie probably commented on this before, but i couldnt find it.............. here's how to make friends....... the meat of this article began with the subject of when friendships should end.
(oh that sounds friendly).
how to view friends who no longer believe some of the teachings of jw.............. (cut them off).
Under the section 'When Friendships need to end' in para 15, it bluntly asks how we should view a friend inside the congregation who decides to turn their back on Jehovah, perhaps needing to be disfellowshipped?
Then in Para 16 it states we cannot expect to remain a friend of God if we side with those who choose to be a friend of the world.
So, a person who has decided that in their good conscience they can no longer allow themself to preach untruths or attend meetings because of the many errors and rigid controling policies of the WT Org (and of course are unable to freely express why they can no longer be part of the WT Org), must then be cut off by friends, who may have had a close friendship 20 or 30 years, perhaps since childhood.
I only had to look round our 3/4 empty hall today and feel totally encouraged and inspired by the food at the proper time!!!
this question is specifically to ex elders or anyone with some insight to my question.. i read in the flock book (which i downloaded of the internet recently .
take the initiative to help anyone in the congregation who has taken some false step: do your best to readjust him (gal 6:1).
it then mentions the following: .
Billy the ex bethelite
My experience? Most BoEs will make it up as they go along. Most are too busy to get that involved helping the weak ones. The bOrg already expects much of the elders with their assignments and trying to have a perfect family, along with as many hours as possible in the futile recruiting work. Those that are sincere and put forth effort to help weak ones usually find themselves exhausted trying to drag some of these along, finally get them on their feet and active. The moment the elder looks away, the weak one is fading again. So, most of the elders figure the weak prefer to be weak.
and cantleave
The strategies rarely worked (usually because no one had the time to follow them through), and the most that happened was asking Brother weak to retrospectively give some FS hour before the CO vivit so he wasn't counted as inactive.
Wow, that is really insightful; I never looked at it from that angle before. I can fully understand why elders are so exhausted given so many tasks to do (So much for the load being light). Yes it is interesting to see why in many cases, they are just too tired out to carry weaker ones along. It is also interesting that although strategies may be put in place to help weaker ones that there simply isnt the time to commit to following through.
It is also incredible to think that elders are under such pressure to get the figures in for the CO!! I mean, persuading an inactive publisher to get an hour in before the CO visit is laughable; the whole set up of reporting FS hours is an absolute joke. Sounds to me like fear of man than fear of God.
That was and still is one of my gripes-having to produce a report slip each month. When will the men at the top realise that the preaching work should be done out of love for God (not an obligation to fill out a slip with a publishers quota for the month!!).
Thanks to both of you for giving me a view from an elders perspective.
this question is specifically to ex elders or anyone with some insight to my question.. i read in the flock book (which i downloaded of the internet recently .
take the initiative to help anyone in the congregation who has taken some false step: do your best to readjust him (gal 6:1).
it then mentions the following: .
This question is specifically to ex elders or anyone with some insight to my question.
I read in the flock book (which I downloaded of the internet recently ) that elders were to
Take the initiative to help anyone in the congregation who has taken some false step: do your best to readjust him (Gal 6:1)
It then mentions the following:
Yet, do not create ill will toward a weak one in the congregation who is being helped.
keep watch over their souls, since you will render an account for them too (Heb 13:17)
Discern the difference between a weak person and a wicked person.
My question is this; Is there a level of tolerance elders succumb to? For example, a young brother who is obviously showing signs of depression (not diagnosed), but misses meetings every now and then, gets help from the elders, but may perhaps lapse back again (missing meetings etc basically a little bit up and down when it comes to attendance). Yet that brother, though struggling with his own feelings is trying to attend meetings etc. Is there a point in what you may have experienced/witnessed, where elders simply throw in the towel and simply ignore that brother who is obviously struggling to adjust to his new faith. Have you ever heard elders talk amongst themselves or make comments like 'he's a no hoper' (or the like).
Also, do elders talk amonst themselves to discuss if an individual is weak or wicked for whatever the reason. For eg.. if a brother they deem to be both weak (obviously needing encouragement), yet is considered wicked also (lets say they like to bring the KJV bible to meetings and is perhaps doing things slightly diffrenetly-not putting their report slip in etc)... As a body, do the elders talk it over as to how they view such a person-do they mark them-ignore them-watch them like a hawk etc.
Just wondered how the rules (as mentioned from the flock book above) generally affect elder practice and the BOE as a whole?
am i being silly or do some other religions have a different understanding of who the 'other sheep' are?.
when i was a jw, i could see so clearly that this group is the gentiles.
that is, of course, reading the text 'in context', rather than simply placing it in a flakey jw leaflet.. why can jehovahs witnesses not see that they are so wrong on this point?.
Excellent post Jambon,
The scriptures are clearly talking about the gentiles
after i decided/resolved to return to meetings several months ago, after being away on and off for several years; i can honestly say that i feel far more settled and comfortable in attending meetings again.. i struggled to attend before, having been reproved, then moving to a different congregation which i didnt find to be overly freindly.
it was only after i was reproved that i began to see all the past history of the soc iety(via internet) and the many things that simply stumbled me.
3 times i tried to return to meetings and three times i fell away.
Coupla' questions.
1. What is perimeno's real name and congregation?
To be honest, I don't know, and what's more I don't feel I need to know; just as you don't know my name and Congregation. Sadly, like most on this site, we have to protect our identities, because of the society's harsh policies about speaking freely.
In saying that, I believe in the spirit of truth; and when something is said or mentioned that makes sense, I use my own perceptive or thinking ability to decide whether I agree or disagree with what has been written or said. As I have said before, I don't agree with Perimeno on everything he has written, but he does explain very well, and in great detail (using scripture) where things are blatantly wrong with a number of the societies teachings and policies.
2. If they are not readily available, why not? Do you really think the WTBS sanctions his/her website and personal viewpoints?
During Jesus ministry throughout Israel, did the religious leaders sanction Jesus for pointing out the errors of all the burdensome man made laws that they had in place?
Let me put it this way; if sister anointed from 'Congregation London' humbly spoke to the elders within her Congregation, and/or contacted her fellow anointed brothers at Brooklyn; pointing out an error in teaching saying for example that it had been revealed to her that lets say- the 1914 teaching is absolutely wrong and believed that the spirit was directing her to speak about this error!!. How do you think she would be dealt with?
You can be sure, and it has happened before, that if she were to persist and preach to others in her Congregation about such an error (just using the 1914 as an example). She would eventually end up being disfellowshipped. The point I am making is that of the 9 thousand or so anointed ones (the anointed figures seem to be rising of late). Only a dozen or so have any say as to what is written in the Watchtower and other publications; or basically those within the writing department within Brooklyn.
The point I am making is that there is no freedom of thought when it comes to scripture. In Brooklyn's view it's my way or the byway. It makes no difference if you are an anointed one or member of the great crowd.
Of course the society would never sanction Perimenos website. But at least he can express his views over the internet. People are intelligent enough in deciding if they agree or not with those views; a relative freedom of thought, which for me is encouraging.
3. Exactly how long do you think a person would actually last who a: went to the elders and mentioned a: associating with apostates via the internet, b: a copy of perimeno's website with the statement of agreement with perimeno's teachings/thoughts?
To be honest, they would not last very long. By the way, I don't consider everyone an apostate on this site. There are many on this site who, like myself are witnesses. There are many who have faded away because of their unhappiness and confused feelings about the society. There are those who may feel very bitter about things and vent their anger at the way they have been treated by their congregation elders, and may feel they have lost their faith. There are those who are simply curious about our beliefs or those from other Christian denominations wanting to know about the beliefs of Jehovahs witnesses.
I don't tend to argue or debate with people who once professed to be Christian and blatantly deny God, the bible and Jesus Christ and spit venom at those who do believe. On such forums as this one, though there are many view points, I choose whether or not to answer or reply to some posts. What's more, to me, association in the real sense is having a friendship or fellowship with a person or group of people having conversation with them face to face.
Also, though there are many who were disfellowshipped on this site; what were they disfellowshipped for?. Was it truly scriptural or was it simply due to a disagreement about the society's teachings. I have a different view of who I would consider apostate to that of the society's view.
4. Can someone who claims to be Christian and thus a follower of Christ REALLY associate with an organization that "treated their flock in many cases in a dreadful manner" and yet still have a good conscience?
I believe that, on the whole, the majority of Jehovahs Witnesses are genuine sincere people who simly wish to worship and please God; who find peace in their lives having such a realtionship. There are many loving brothers and sisters who are a pleasure to have fellowship with. I don't blame the rank and file for some of the society's harsh policies in the way they have treated their flock.
For example, witnesses who have been disfellowshipped for simply disagreeing with a certain teaching or where there is obvious overkill when someone has slipped up and committed a serious sin like fornication (ie a one off/slip up-not practicing fornication), whereby wrong decisions have been made by a body of elders. Where tenderness and compassion should be shown, some congregation elders are all too quick to publicly humiliate such ones by disfellowshipping them. This then entails the congregation shunning such ones for a lengthy period of time (which they have been taught to do through WT reasoning). In such cases, such ones may never return to meetings due to the unloving way they were treated by the body of elders.
A group of men at Brooklyn have set themselves up to Lord it over their brothers and sisters throughout the world. Things will change soon, whether in the immediate future or in the new age where righteousness will dwell. I know there will be light at the end of the tunnel in which all things will be made clear. I am willing to wait until then. My conscience is clear in that I will be sharing the good news of the Kingdom with others; and living as a Christian is taught to as it is truthfully written in the bible.
If you have time read "My PEOPLE LIKE IT THAT WAY". Perimeno explains in detail, how Christians such as myself can have a clear conscience whilst associating with Jehovahs witnesses.
after i decided/resolved to return to meetings several months ago, after being away on and off for several years; i can honestly say that i feel far more settled and comfortable in attending meetings again.. i struggled to attend before, having been reproved, then moving to a different congregation which i didnt find to be overly freindly.
it was only after i was reproved that i began to see all the past history of the soc iety(via internet) and the many things that simply stumbled me.
3 times i tried to return to meetings and three times i fell away.
'So.... do you 'partake'??? ... do you consider yourself one of the 144000???'
No, I do not consider myself part of the 144000; but I believe that all Christians should partake. Yes, there are outstanding ones (holy ones/saints/144000) who have a special calling to rule as Kings and priests over the earth-Rev 5:10. Whether such ones remain on earth to rule or actually ascend to heaven itself and rule from there is unclear to me - but whatever the case such ones will be chosen as described in scripture to rule over/on the earth (depending on the bible translation you read from).
I would suggest you read the article written by Perimeno - John 10:16 - Who are the other sheep"?
This article explains very well why things are the way they are. It goes into great detail as to why only the anointed are allowed to partake of the emblems today. It also mentions why since 1935, the great multitude or great crowd are mere onlookers when present at Jesus memorial.
I don't partake for the time being, though I know in my heart I should; but I believe that Jehovah understands my situation. He knows that imperfect men have put this policy in place which makes it impossible at the present time to partake. The important thing is that I am there and I believe that there will come a time when there will be change. It's just a case of being patient and discreet until things change.
after i decided/resolved to return to meetings several months ago, after being away on and off for several years; i can honestly say that i feel far more settled and comfortable in attending meetings again.. i struggled to attend before, having been reproved, then moving to a different congregation which i didnt find to be overly freindly.
it was only after i was reproved that i began to see all the past history of the soc iety(via internet) and the many things that simply stumbled me.
3 times i tried to return to meetings and three times i fell away.
"Keep waiting (perimeno) for what
the Father has promised."?Acts 1:4