'its not fair'
love the video
at the moment for me it's the fear.
i think she's right about the real or the unreal or the hyperreal or whatever it is.. .
'its not fair'
love the video
just wondered if many of you have sent any anonymous letter to the society expressing your view points and unhappiness with the way things are.. i am in the process of doing this, but wish to keep it personal and not show it on this forum as there is too much in the letter that might give me away.
the letter will be very sincere and honest.
it will be about 10 pages long and i will be sending copies to the governing body and to the writing department at brooklyn.
Thanks everyone for replies
Ok, now I am starting to get scared.
I am glad you are giving me plenty of advice here.
Will take this on board and think carefully before sending.
ps RR - Hopefully I will avoid all hell breaking loose
You are certainly braver than most in what you did. Fair play to you.
just wondered if many of you have sent any anonymous letter to the society expressing your view points and unhappiness with the way things are.. i am in the process of doing this, but wish to keep it personal and not show it on this forum as there is too much in the letter that might give me away.
the letter will be very sincere and honest.
it will be about 10 pages long and i will be sending copies to the governing body and to the writing department at brooklyn.
Good point Aude Speare,
I had thought of that. I am trying to find out the best and most effective way of going about this. I had also thougt about sending it via email using an anonymous email address, but again need to be wary about my email details/signature code etc.
Thanks for pointing it out though
Mike,.... er I mean TE
(lol - just kidding )
just wondered if many of you have sent any anonymous letter to the society expressing your view points and unhappiness with the way things are.. i am in the process of doing this, but wish to keep it personal and not show it on this forum as there is too much in the letter that might give me away.
the letter will be very sincere and honest.
it will be about 10 pages long and i will be sending copies to the governing body and to the writing department at brooklyn.
Hi all,
Just wondered if many of you have sent any anonymous letter to the society expressing your view points and unhappiness with the way things are.
I am in the process of doing this, but wish to keep it personal and not show it on this forum as there is too much in the letter that might give me away. The letter will be very sincere and honest. It will be about 10 pages long and I will be sending copies to the Governing body and to the writing department at Brooklyn.
I am not expecting anyone to read it at Bethel, but feel that it will be worth a try. The letter will be a mixture of negative and positive feedback for them to reflect on.
If you have sent one, have you a copy of it you feel comfortable enough to share with us on this thread or simply share some of the things you had written in the letter you sent.
i know a lot of people were upset when mash ended.
i never was a big fan of the show, probably because it was on a meeting night, but it was a very popular show.. i loved hill street blues, taxi, all in the family, the rifleman, even superman!
i wished those shows never stopped!.
also - star trek (original series)
I am currently watching repeats on CBS action
i know a lot of people were upset when mash ended.
i never was a big fan of the show, probably because it was on a meeting night, but it was a very popular show.. i loved hill street blues, taxi, all in the family, the rifleman, even superman!
i wished those shows never stopped!.
'Father Ted'
I have the whole series on dvd
It was the shot of humour I needed to get me through the drudgery of being a jehovahs witness.
Shame that Dermot Morgan died, as would have loved to see more episodes made.
i have been looking around here for a while but this is my first post.
my wife and i have been fading not so smoothly.
i pretty much know this is not the truth but am still undecided how i feel on various issues and i am still sorting them out.
Hi Hoggieman
Good advice from the ex elders on this thread.
Whats more you are best to fade away gradually. Saves a lot of hassle all round.
the title of this series of threads is rhetorical.
i am going to answer it with my own experience.
before i do that, i want to discuss what we are told through the literature and the instruction that is given during meetings, assemblies and conventions, for the reasons why people leave the truth.. the watchtower of 15 november 2008, in the article help them return without delay indicates people leave because of the following:.
Hi Cantleave,
I juSt diScovered I am the same age as you.
Am looking forward to part 2.
blondie probably commented on this before, but i couldnt find it.............. here's how to make friends....... the meat of this article began with the subject of when friendships should end.
(oh that sounds friendly).
how to view friends who no longer believe some of the teachings of jw.............. (cut them off).
Under the section 'When Friendships need to end' in para 15, it bluntly asks how we should view a friend inside the congregation who decides to turn their back on Jehovah, perhaps needing to be disfellowshipped?
Then in Para 16 it states we cannot expect to remain a friend of God if we side with those who choose to be a friend of the world.
So, a person who has decided that in their good conscience they can no longer allow themself to preach untruths or attend meetings because of the many errors and rigid controling policies of the WT Org (and of course are unable to freely express why they can no longer be part of the WT Org), must then be cut off by friends, who may have had a close friendship 20 or 30 years, perhaps since childhood.
I only had to look round our 3/4 empty hall today and feel totally encouraged and inspired by the food at the proper time!!!
this question is specifically to ex elders or anyone with some insight to my question.. i read in the flock book (which i downloaded of the internet recently .
take the initiative to help anyone in the congregation who has taken some false step: do your best to readjust him (gal 6:1).
it then mentions the following: .
Billy the ex bethelite
My experience? Most BoEs will make it up as they go along. Most are too busy to get that involved helping the weak ones. The bOrg already expects much of the elders with their assignments and trying to have a perfect family, along with as many hours as possible in the futile recruiting work. Those that are sincere and put forth effort to help weak ones usually find themselves exhausted trying to drag some of these along, finally get them on their feet and active. The moment the elder looks away, the weak one is fading again. So, most of the elders figure the weak prefer to be weak.
and cantleave
The strategies rarely worked (usually because no one had the time to follow them through), and the most that happened was asking Brother weak to retrospectively give some FS hour before the CO vivit so he wasn't counted as inactive.
Wow, that is really insightful; I never looked at it from that angle before. I can fully understand why elders are so exhausted given so many tasks to do (So much for the load being light). Yes it is interesting to see why in many cases, they are just too tired out to carry weaker ones along. It is also interesting that although strategies may be put in place to help weaker ones that there simply isnt the time to commit to following through.
It is also incredible to think that elders are under such pressure to get the figures in for the CO!! I mean, persuading an inactive publisher to get an hour in before the CO visit is laughable; the whole set up of reporting FS hours is an absolute joke. Sounds to me like fear of man than fear of God.
That was and still is one of my gripes-having to produce a report slip each month. When will the men at the top realise that the preaching work should be done out of love for God (not an obligation to fill out a slip with a publishers quota for the month!!).
Thanks to both of you for giving me a view from an elders perspective.