Its more a limerick, but here goes,
'A flea and a fly in a flue, were imprisoned so what could they do, said the flea let us fly, let us fly said the flea , so they flew thru a flaw in the flue'
our new member, fireflower, made me think of this.
(try saying "fireflower" six times real fast.).
my all-time favorite oldie tongue twister: "six sheiks slitting six sheets".
Its more a limerick, but here goes,
'A flea and a fly in a flue, were imprisoned so what could they do, said the flea let us fly, let us fly said the flea , so they flew thru a flaw in the flue'
i am fascinated by job 40:15-24. which one of the following pictures do you think best describes behemoth?
i have kindly cut and pasted the portion of scripture at the bottom and highlighted some of the outstanding identifying marks of the animal.
i look forward to your views on this very intruiging portion of scripture!.
Hi all,
I am fascinated by Job 40:15-24. Which one of the following pictures do you think best describes Behemoth?
I have kindly cut and pasted the portion of scripture at the bottom and highlighted some of the outstanding identifying marks of the animal. I look forward to your views on this very intruiging portion of scripture!
15 "Look at the behemoth, [a]
which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox.
16 What strength he has in his loins,
what power in the muscles of his belly!
17 His tail [b] sways like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are close-knit.
18 His bones are tubes of bronze,
his limbs like rods of iron.
19 He ranks first among the works of God,
yet his Maker can approach him with his sword.
20 The hills bring him their produce,
and all the wild animals play nearby.
21 Under the lotus plants he lies,
hidden among the reeds in the marsh.
22 The lotuses conceal him in their shadow;
the poplars by the stream surround him.
23 When the river rages, he is not alarmed; he is secure, though the Jordan should surge against his mouth.
24 Can anyone capture him by the eyes, [c]
or trap him and pierce his nose?
england is the oldest nation-state in europe.
it is a pround and historic nation that is often buried under a "british" identity by the uk government.
within the european unon, scotland and wales are treated as regional entities, yet england is broken up into 6 regions and is not acknowledged as an entity in itself.
Dont forget that England and a small part of Scotland (Britannia as it was known back then) was once a Roman colony too, if my history is correct.
i was pretty much a loner the whole time i was in my old congregation, and it wasn't for lack of young people - there were plenty of "young ones", but because of various situations that went unchecked, rumors and just plain nastiness, i did not have any friends.. some of you might relate to this.
you feel like you don't fit in either camp - the world and the congregation - a rock in a hard place.. on the rare occasion i did get a token invite to a jw gathering, it was usually a video evening, as we called them in the uk.
since i had no social life to speak of, i would attend these rare and "exciting" events but it was always a let down.. you see, unless you have shared history with these folks, it's pretty much a non event.
Despite the fact I was in a very large congregation (when I first became a witness-back in 1991), I was hardly ever invited out by people of my own age. Over the space of about two years, I could probably count on my hand the number of times I was invited out. I even made efforts to invite Brothers and Sisters. I was only 23 years old at the time, living in a very large city, in another country and yet felt completely isolated and all alone.
I would often reflect on the days when I would be socialising with all my friends every weekend and always looked forward to going out and enjoying a social life. I sacrificed all my old friends for the truth. So as you can imagine, for a young man having no social network whatsoever was deeply difficult. I would often lapse back and miss meetings for weeks on end. On my return to the meetings at one point, the presiding overseer, who initially tried to help me at that time, (which I did appreciate) suddenly started to ignore me (walk past me) if I happened to turn up at the hall. This didn’t help at all. He even rudely walked passed my mother, who had stayed with me for about 3 months to give me support which I so desperately needed at that time.
Being a young man or woman in the JW'S is a real test of faith. It is all work and no play in many cases. There are no youth groups or the like within the organisation, that such ones can look forward to each week. If you are one of the 'lucky' ones, that fit in, you may have plenty of social events; but it is hit and miss for most young witnesses. I know of two individuals in my hall who I know are being sidelined by the other youths within the hall. My wife tells me how shocking it is that such lovely people are simply left out. One of the these ones is a kind hearted 18 year old sister. I simply cant beleive why she is being left out all the time. Her mother often tells my wife of the pain she feels because of this. Of course, most of the teens in my hall are all elders children and seem to mix only among themselves. The other girl is only 13, and again, the same story. All work, no play. In all probability, it is very likely that such ones are being set up to fail spiritually. Their needs are not being met socially. Many of these ones will either end up fading away or simply end up making friends with people outside of the faith, which of course will then lead to them being watched/marked by the 'loving shepherds' of the hall.
My current congregation is shocking, I know for a fact that there are cliques (ie elders families and pioneers) who often arrange get togethers and leave out the same people each time (about a third of the congregation, us included). This has caused my wife a lot of bitterness. Thankfully, I have a couple of sincere friends I have met over the years, and manage to go out occasionally for a pint (both are now faders). I simply dont rely on 'THE brothers at the hall' to socialise on a regular basis; because it just simply wont happen. I enjoy occassionally going out with my work mates, or 'worldly' relatives for a drink. at least I can let my hair down and have a bit of a laugh with these ones. Yet, I am comfortable with this, because I use my discernment who I socailise with, as I still maintain my relationship with Jehovah. It is unfortunate, but in many cases the brothers simply have no other option available to them, but to socialise with people 'who are not in the faith'. Many brothers and sisters in many congregations probably do the same, as they tend to end up in similiar situations.
Unfortunately, isolating oneself in thier livingroom surrounded by four walls each weekend, year upon year is enough to crack up the best of us. Anyway, its friday night, I'm off for a pint, catch you all later!
having read last weeks wt, i was a little stunned to say the least at the number of bible students in 1914. all this time, i had assumed there was probably in the region of a few hundred thousand worldwide at that time, particularly as they had been about since the 1870's.
was anyone else stunned to discover there was only about '5100' in 1914. te.
'I think in 1918 there were only 3800'.
Now that is what I call humble beginnings
she was fine an hour earlier.
we went to bed at 10pm.
she was laying in her bed next to mine.
Sorry to hear about your loss Lisa.
I have a 12 year old cat that I am very fond off and know I would miss it if it suddenly passed away.
Thinking of you
she was fine an hour earlier.
we went to bed at 10pm.
she was laying in her bed next to mine.
having read last weeks wt, i was a little stunned to say the least at the number of bible students in 1914. all this time, i had assumed there was probably in the region of a few hundred thousand worldwide at that time, particularly as they had been about since the 1870's.
was anyone else stunned to discover there was only about '5100' in 1914. te.
Having read last weeks WT, I was a little stunned to say the least at the number of bible students in 1914. All this time, I had assumed there was probably in the region of a few hundred thousand worldwide at that time, particularly as they had been about since the 1870's.
Was anyone else stunned to discover there was only about '5100' in 1914
just sent this to a friend.
thought i would post it here as well, for any of you who have never seen this, or who may need it in the future when talking to friends and family still in.. sincerely,.
lady liberty.
After Jesus ressurection certain ones would be chosen / sealed by God to go to heaven (144000 faithful servants-Rev 7:4). The majority of these ones are a sleep in death at the present time until the marriage of the lamb-soon to take place.
1 Thes 4:13-18- Moreover, brothers, we do not want YOU to be ignorant concerning those who are sleeping [in death]; that YOU may not sorrow just as the rest also do who have no hope. 14 For if our faith is that Jesus died and rose again, so, too, those who have fallen asleep [in death] through Jesus God will bring with him. 15 For this is what we tell YOU by Jehovah’s word, that we the living who survive to the presence of the Lord shall in no way precede those who have fallen asleep [in death]; 16 because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet, and those who are dead in union with Christ will rise first. 17 Afterward we the living who are surviving will, together with them, be caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and thus we shall always be with [the] Lord. 18 Consequently keep comforting one another with these words.
The choosing of these ones has been ongoing down through the centuries from the millions of other Christians during that time right up to the present.
These tried and tested ones will serve as kings and priests alongside Christ over/on/upon the earth. Rev 5:10 -"You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth."
They are the ones who go to heaven to be with Christ for such a purpose.
Please Note Jesus own words at Mat 5:5. Even Jesus pointed out that certain ones would inherit the earth.
That is why Jesus correctly said the following in his sermon on the mount, when speaking about those who will be going to heaven and those who would reside on earth. Though not fully grasped at the time, It is only through spiritual insight that people could fully understand the meaning of his speech. Instead of it being contadictory, it makes absolute sense in light of the inspired writings that had come about since then.
1Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2 and he began to teach them saying: 11 "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. TE |
just sent this to a friend.
thought i would post it here as well, for any of you who have never seen this, or who may need it in the future when talking to friends and family still in.. sincerely,.
lady liberty.
Jesus is mediator to all Chritians, whether of the anointed or not. 1 Tim 2:5,6
That is why we can approach Jehovah in prayer THROUGH Jesus due to his sacrifice....all part of the New Covenant.
The New Covenant also paved the way for selected ones (chosen ones) to rule with Christ in the coming Kongdom.