JoinedPosts by Truthexplorer
Do you consider this site Godly or Ungodly
by Truthexplorer inover the years, i have seen a change in heart with the country i grew up in and the general view of what they perceive as how everyone should view things in relation to morality.
a strictly religious country for centuries now forever changed within a short number of years.
i have also seen the viewpoint on this site gradually change in many ways.
Over the years, I have seen a change in heart with the country I grew up in and the general view of what they perceive as how everyone should view things in relation to morality. A strictly religious country for centuries now forever changed within a short number of years. I have also seen the viewpoint on this site gradually change in many ways. I am all for constructive criticism of the society so that they will makes things better for their members; but by the same token increasingly alarmed at the views of those who even suggest that God has Got things wrong, that his son Jesus would not have such a opinion,, that the bible is nonsense etc. oh come on...think about it! For me, Gods standards NEVER change. I fully believe that Gods word was inspired and that his moral standards are for our (mankind's) benefit....absolutely. Wake up people The world is upside down in their thinking. Gods ways are the best ways. the wholesome ways, the right ways. The ways God had intended families to be. The world has changed....not for the better....but for the worse..moral breakdown is everywhere (except in those parts of the world where the opposite extreme is carried out which no doubt again saddens God).and will continue to the point when Godly intervention. is necessary. That time is now near. I now feel this ever since a certain event took place that absolutely confirmed everything I need to know that this world is now completely gone mad. There is no balance anymore. It is now from one extreme or the other. complete liberalism or inhumane extreme intolerance. My faith is in God and his son, our King Yeshua/ Jesus who will bring everything BACK to perfection. No more sickness, death or badness of any sort. It is at this point I have to say goodbye. For those of you who are confused out there, the only advice I can give for you is to turn to God and his beloved son Jesus Christ for guidance. There lies the hope and the inner peace you will truly find. The spirit will guide you through the good and bad. Turn back to him and regain your faith. Goodbye everyone. This is my very last post. TE -
I left the troof behind in 2006. What have I missed?
by Jehovah lol ini'm up to date with what the wt taught in 2006 but have no idea what has changed since.. do tell..
I don't know how I am ever going to come out of the closet and reveal to the brothers I wear spandex at my local disco on Friday nights
An experience at Bethel
by joe134cd ini was just thinking of something i observed on a visit to bethel some years back, that at the time struck me as odd, but now that i look back on it, it might be revealing about their financial situation.
please feel free to agree/disagree with me and also bear in mind this is some years back so my memory may be sketchey.
i remember walking into the front entrance of the bethel to do a tour.
that condom tale had me in stitches -
The flat earth conspiracy!
by Truthexplorer inok. let me first start by saying i am not a flat earther.
i like most on here will have the same view most will have here about our planet.
in saying that however, i am incredibly gob smacked by the book written by eric dubay called 'the flat earth conspiracy'.
actually I meant this one....sorry! -
The flat earth conspiracy!
by Truthexplorer inok. let me first start by saying i am not a flat earther.
i like most on here will have the same view most will have here about our planet.
in saying that however, i am incredibly gob smacked by the book written by eric dubay called 'the flat earth conspiracy'.
hi great teacher. check out this link -
What triggered your doubts / awakening?
by Tornintwo ini am sort of new here, used a different username for a while but things got 'difficult' at home so i've since been lurking.... what i would be really interested to know, if you don't mind sharing, is what it was that triggered your doubts and initial research which led to awakening, was it a bad experience, injustice, changed doctrine?
for me, it was seeing mistreatment of young ones in the congregation, they're under so much pressure and as soon as they go even slightly astray they are shunned, either informally (as bad associations which pushes them further into the 'world') or formally - with elders dying to throw the book at them so they even lose their family.... ...then reading about child abuse issues in the press.... ...which led me to silentlambs.
...then jw facts, this forum and coc, wham!
the study of the revelation book began setting doubts for me. Also the societies stonewall haughty attitude when ever the media try to ask questions when some controversy comes along. It used to peeve me of big time why this loving new religion I had just joined behaved that way. It used to grind my gears until I learned ttatt -
The flat earth conspiracy!
by Truthexplorer inok. let me first start by saying i am not a flat earther.
i like most on here will have the same view most will have here about our planet.
in saying that however, i am incredibly gob smacked by the book written by eric dubay called 'the flat earth conspiracy'.
hardtobeme. I like your comment. you make some very good points. -
The flat earth conspiracy!
by Truthexplorer inok. let me first start by saying i am not a flat earther.
i like most on here will have the same view most will have here about our planet.
in saying that however, i am incredibly gob smacked by the book written by eric dubay called 'the flat earth conspiracy'.
Smiddy ---- I have no motive whatsoever. I was actually curious about what these flat earth geezers were trying to prove and found myself becoming intriuged by some of the videos by Eric Dubay - who comes across as rather intelligent individual with some incredible facts. I therefore decided to download his book the flat earth conspiracy. I was just curious if anyone else had been looking into such and see what the response would be. For instance I will attach the following video. I admit I am a little gullible at times, but what he actually says about planes landing on a 700 -1000 mph rotating earth is a bit of a quandary in my mind. Put aside what is referred to in the video regarding secrets kept by kings, rulers and freemasons etc. Put that aside and try to debunk what he is saying about the planes travelling east and west on a rotating planet.
The JW religion has just cost me my marriage & my family life
by jambon1 inafter leaving the organisation 10 years ago i fought with everything i had to stay in my marriage and with my three children.
after a tumultuous number of years trying to maintain a happy family life while living in a divided home, it's finally over.
the religion is single handedly responsible for destroying my marriage and my family.
Hi Jambon,
I am sorry to hear that this has happened and can only imagine the place you are in just now. I very much would agree with daniel1555 to keep close contact with your children as I am sure you do...also meet half way with your wife....always remember, it isn't her fault. Time is also a healer. Just to let know you and your family are in our thoughts.
The flat earth conspiracy!
by Truthexplorer inok. let me first start by saying i am not a flat earther.
i like most on here will have the same view most will have here about our planet.
in saying that however, i am incredibly gob smacked by the book written by eric dubay called 'the flat earth conspiracy'.
lol crazy guy.