Hi Lozhasleft,
I sent you a PM
i'm pleased to have found this site...i've browsed a little ...read quite a lot and gasped at some stories, giggled at the one liners and nodded in recognition of others' strong opinions and can relate to a great deal.. i'll try and keep my intro as brief as possible for anyone kind enough to listen.. i got involved with the witnesses in the late 70's in the uk.
i was in my early 20s and had had a love and fascination for the bible since my difficult childhood.
i soon brought my life into 'line' although it took a long time for me to pack up the smoking which didnt go down well in those days when 6 months of study should have been enough and if you hadnt cracked it then it was suggested that you were some kind of loser.... i reared my 4 children in the 'truth' as well as i could but i cant claim that we were a 'strong' family in their terms...just muddled along really..my husband at the time was a very difficult and abusive man and home life wasnt easy for any of us with his anger, jealousy and violence.
Hi Lozhasleft,
I sent you a PM
when still in the watchtower, i used to be an assistant ministerial servant.
true, there is no such title but its there unofficially for those one step to being a ministerial servant.
been with it for about three years.
Hi Scott77
I am active (though with discretion)
when still in the watchtower, i used to be an assistant ministerial servant.
true, there is no such title but its there unofficially for those one step to being a ministerial servant.
been with it for about three years.
Ministerial servant for 8 years and occasionally auxialiary pioneered (where does pioneer appear in the scriptures?). The elders tried to bamboozle me into becoming an elder, but thankfully realised that it was a pressure that I knew I woud not be able to cope with; I now realise the importance of such a role (James 3:1).
I faded for about 7 years, occasionally trying to make my way back. After much research and reading, I decided to go back to the meetings. I now enjoy being back, as I now have a true genuine relationship with Jehovah. I no longer attend to be a man pleaser. Whats more, I now have a better understanding of truth thanks to perimeno. My relationship with my father in heaven has never been so strong.
I would urge every one reading this to not throw away your relationship with God because of the unfair treatment of men and their pharisaical rules. I would urge you to go back to the meetings and associate with the true genuine spiritual brothers and sisters who show true genuine love. Sadly there are many superfine apostles/brothers/sisters who are within the congregation today who stumble many with their unloving haughty attitude (these ones would need to change their attitude, particulatly since Jehovahs hosuehold is to be inspected soon-1 pet 2:12). If you read the writings and essays of Peimeno, you will put everything into perspective and understand why things are the way they are amongst Gods Household. You will find Jehovah again and feel the love of Christ;as well as the Holy spirit working in your life; that is a guarantee. http://perimeno.ca/Index.htm
My journey has been unbelievable and I can go as far as to say with all my heart that the Holy Spirit has intervened in the sense that I have had a couple of signs, which are beyond coincidence. I urge all of you to look to Jehovah by reading his word each day (a couple of chapters of the old and 1 of the new testament); as well praying sincerely to Jehovah (through Jesus). I guarantee you that the sword of the spirit (along with prayer will lead you into truth, where you will be further enlightened - John 16:13).
Christian love
i would describe my congregation on the whole as quite wooden ad robotic.
though there are some genuine sincere and loving brothers/sisters, there is overall something missing in my hall.
i dont feel incited to love and fine works by the brothers.. i find the boe as a whole - to be quite distant.
Thanks to all for your comments, particularly your experinces at your KH Yknot.
The reasons why the meetings are so boring is because there is no spontaneity. We have no liberty in Christ, in that we cant express ousrselves freely; we cant talk about the wonderful scriptures we discovered and say how it truly affected us. Rather, we are carefully controlled in what we say and do; and how we express ouseves.
One brother in my hall, who to be honest is a nice guy (an MS) who now gives public talks, but boy he could do with some 'cheer me up' tablets. The guys face is dead pan throughout his talks; his voice is dead pan through his talks; his enthusuiasm is dead pan through out his talks .
One Brother, who I have to say is probably one of the friendliest sincere brothers in my hall, came out with an incredible comment at a WT study recently. He said how wonderful Jesus is (with bucket loads of emotion). He then said 'Jesus is mine, oh yes, he's all mine, such is my love for him'.
I mentioned this to a brother afterwards and said wasnt that a great comment such and such said. He laughed and said, it was brilliant..then said....I was almost expecting him to grab the microphone and break into some soul music.
Yet, this brother simply expressed his true feelings for Gods beloved son..and why not? I wish more brothers were like that. The hall would be buzzing!
Anyway, again thanks for all your comments everyone.
i would describe my congregation on the whole as quite wooden ad robotic.
though there are some genuine sincere and loving brothers/sisters, there is overall something missing in my hall.
i dont feel incited to love and fine works by the brothers.. i find the boe as a whole - to be quite distant.
you just made me laugh. Made my day. Thanks
i would describe my congregation on the whole as quite wooden ad robotic.
though there are some genuine sincere and loving brothers/sisters, there is overall something missing in my hall.
i dont feel incited to love and fine works by the brothers.. i find the boe as a whole - to be quite distant.
Hi all,
I would describe my congregation on the whole as quite wooden ad robotic. Though there are some genuine sincere and loving brothers/sisters, there is overall something missing in my hall. I dont feel incited to love and fine works by the brothers.
I find the BOE as a whole - to be quite distant. They rarely go on shepherding visits and seem to concentrate wholly on Brothers with potential ie MS's who are being molded into future elders.
I know of one Sister, who has been going through a breakup with her husband and often asked the elders for help. She mentioned to another sister that the elders hardly supported her in all the years she was having problems and would have to go up to them directly to seek help-all the time (never them going up to her and asking how she is doing).
The impression I get is that it is a very much a - 'three strikes and you are out, type of hall'. Ie if you mess up a few times, the elders simply view you as a waster...no longer worth the effort. I often imagine what they would be like as prison guards in some back of beyond third world country, and think that I would not like to be locked up in one of their cells.
Apart from one very nice elder who is very sincere and genuine, the body as a whole are a very strange group of men. I cant make them out at all. In fact 1 Cor ch 13 comes to my mind when ever any these ones (apart from the nice elder) gives items or talks.
I sometimes wonder if this perfect little hall where everyone appears to be related to each other, is the reason why they are this way. Its just a theory, but perhaps a reason, is that they dont want their little utopia to be changed too much. What I mean is, because they perhaps have become to comfortable over the years, they are afraid of the boat being rocked by newer ones coming in and then changing their robotic (whats worked till now) ways. Of course there is the man made flock book they also have to stick to which influences the way they go about things.
If this is the case, then they are to a degree fearful, that their little utopia will change and they wont like it. This may be I beleive, why the BOE are very watchful and suspicious of everyone who might appear to be 'different' to those they control...er I mean shepherd and guide, sorry. They dont strike me as the type of men who are very tolerant or long suffering to individuals they perceive to be weak (if going back to what I mentioned earlier about the 3 strike rule);.
Anyway, sorry for droning on a bit.
Would be good to see how you descibe your congregation.
...and i think it's starting to show.. i started a thread the other day about being hounded after several years of having successfully(?
) faded.
i've been taken aback a bit the recent developments but i'm making a new strategy...one that depends more on sticking to my guns and laying the cards on the table.
Hi Wobble,
You are right; I did post with paragraphs, but my post all clumped together for some reason??? To be honest I wouldnt have read it either if it was a laid out similiarly by someone else, so can understand where you are coming from.
I did try to resend it, but was no further forward?? If there is any one out there who may have the time, please copy it to a microsoft word 93 (or what ever) and then split it into paragraphs and please have a read, as its from the heart and really worth a look. All of you can have a realtionship with Jehovah, despite the terrible situation many have found ourselves in. http://perimeno.ca/God's_Organization.htm
Thanks for your point though.
"sd-7 is no longer one of jehovah's witnesses.".
i always imagined this day would come.
i'm not sure exactly how i knew.
Hi sd-7,
I havent fully read through this thread and apologise for that. Though you find yourself in this predicament, you can still have a close relationship with God. Believe me, it is worth it. My heart goes out to you at this time. Dont lose faith in God. mere men may have put you in this position, but I can assure you, it was not God who has done this to you; for he is always close to those who are sincere in heart and obey his commands (not mens). May the spirit of truth lead you into a true relationship with Jehovah (YHWH). http://perimeno.ca/God's_Organization.htm
Philemon 1:3 (NKJV)- Grace to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ
...and i think it's starting to show.. i started a thread the other day about being hounded after several years of having successfully(?
) faded.
i've been taken aback a bit the recent developments but i'm making a new strategy...one that depends more on sticking to my guns and laying the cards on the table.
Hi all, Many of us joined the Organization because we beleived we were building a true relationship with Jehovah (YHWH). Like most faders, I had faded for several years; yet I still had a spiritual conscience during this time. I became quite worldly (in the sense that I no longer cared what I was doing-to a degree). However, my spirituality was always there. I am hoping that what I say next will be faith strengthening to many of you who are going through a somewhat difficult and confusing time; and hope I can encourage some of you to not give up completely. I never thought I would get involved with the witnesses ever again, due to what I had read about their history. I got to a point where I despised the fact that I was ever a witness. I even began to doubt the word (with all its contradictions - I read age of reason by Thomas Paine, given to me by a relative). But then, one day, I thought to myself, that I had never really read the bible through properly. All the years I was a JW, i NEVER READ THE BIBLE THROUGH!!! Was it fair of me to make judgement on this book that claimed to be the written word of God, when I had never read it through? The answer to that is clearly 'NO'. I therefore decided that I would read it through using the method highlighted in a bible I bought at a book shop. It suggested I read 2 or 3 cahpters of the old testament and 1 chapter of the new every day. At the same time, I would pray to God to give me insight and a second chance. If this book truly was inspired, I would feel the holy spirit affecting me in my life. I would know in my heart whether there was something there. Over the past year and a half, I can only say that I have been amazed at what I have read. So much so that I was telling friends and relatives about the wonderful things within these amazing pages. My spirituality was coming back again and I could truly feel it. I decided to take the brave step of returning to the meetings as my family are all involved. Yet, I knew I would be going back with a completely different mindset. I was going back knowing that the society are in error in a number of their teachings, but still strangely felt that I could still have a strong relationship with YHWH because he understands my predicament. He knows I sincerely love him and his son Jesus. He knows I pray to him earnestly each day. He knows that I am aware that men have set themslves up on a pedestal and are lording it over people like you and I who are or once were sincere in our worship of YHWH. Jehovah understands this and I love him for that (as a child loves his/her father). I have also learned that YHWH is a merciful loving God and only wants his children to be obedient and to respect him by building a realtionship with him. Sadly some of our brothers are stumbling us (ie the self proclaimed FDS) and whence the reason for the tragedy we see to day in that many are leaving due to the intolerable man made rules of these ones. Our obedience is to Jehovah, not men. We can have a wonderful relationship with him, despite the fact that many of us are being stumbled by the harsh man made rules of those who have decided to lord it over us. I would strongly, suggest you read the wonderful, powerful essays and articles from the following site. This will help to understand why many of us are in the situation we are in today, and will encourage us to regain that sincere love we once had when we first began our relationship with God. I truly feel the holy spirit in my life and know that you can too. If it werent for the holy spirit helping me and guiding me, I would have fallen away again. Not one elder has bothered to encourage me spiritually since going back. This shows the power of the holy spirit, as many times over the psat year, I could have easily have been stumbled. Jehovah views each of us a precious. Remember, it is he we have a realtionship with, not men and there man made rules. Do not allow these men to put you of your faith in God. The shepherds who are leading the flock will be accountable. Trust in Jehovah and turn your heart toward him. Philemon 1:3 Grace to you (all) and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Please cut, paste and add to favourites the following site. Happy reading. http://www.perimeno.ca/Index_A.htm TE
...and i think it's starting to show.. i started a thread the other day about being hounded after several years of having successfully(?
) faded.
i've been taken aback a bit the recent developments but i'm making a new strategy...one that depends more on sticking to my guns and laying the cards on the table.
Hi all, Many of us joined the Organization because we beleived we were building a true relationship with Jehovah (YHWH). Like most faders, I had faded for several years; yet I still had a spiritual conscience during this time. I became quite worldly (in the sense that I no longer cared what I was doing-to a degree). However, my spirituality was always there. I am hoping that what I say next will be faith strengthening to many of you who are going through a somewhat difficult and confusing time; and hope I can encourage some of you to not give up completely. I never thought I would get involved with the witnesses ever again, due to what I had read about their history. I got to a point where I despised the fact that I was ever a witness. I even began to doubt the word (with all its contradictions - I read age of reason by Thomas Paine, given to me by a relative). But then, one day, I thought to myself, that I had never really read the bible through properly. All the years I was a JW, i NEVER READ THE BIBLE THROUGH!!! Was it fair of me to make judgement on this book that claimed to be the written word of God, when I had never read it through? The answer to that is clearly 'NO'. I therefore decided that I would read it through using the method highlighted in a bible I bought at a book shop. It suggested I read 2 or 3 cahpters of the old testament and 1 chapter of the new every day. At the same time, I would pray to God to give me insight and a second chance. If this book truly was inspired, I would feel the holy spirit affecting me in my life. I would know in my heart whether there was something there. Over the past year and a half, I can only say that I have been amazed at what I have read. So much so that I was telling friends and relatives about the wonderful things within these amazing pages. My spirituality was coming back again and I could truly feel it. I decided to take the brave step of returning to the meetings as my family are all involved. Yet, I knew I would be going back with a completely different mindset. I was going back knowing that the society are in error in a number of their teachings, but still strangely felt that I could still have a strong relationship with YHWH because he understands my predicament. He knows I sincerely love him and his son Jesus. He knows I pray to him earnestly each day. He knows that I am aware that men have set themslves up on a pedestal and are lording it over people like you and I who are or once were sincere in our worship of YHWH. Jehovah understands this and I love him for that (as a child loves his/her father). I have also learned that YHWH is a merciful loving God and only wants his children to be obedient and to respect him by building a realtionship with him. Sadly some of our brothers are stumbling us (ie the self proclaimed FDS) and whence the reason for the tragedy we see to day in that many are leaving due to the intolerable man made rules of these ones. Our obedience is to Jehovah, not men. We can have a wonderful relationship with him, despite the fact that many of us are being stumbled by the harsh man made rules of those who have decided to lord it over us. I would strongly, suggest you read the wonderful, powerful essays and articles from the following site. This will help to understand why many of us are in the situation we are in today, and will encourage us to regain that sincere love we once had when we first began our relationship with God. I truly feel the holy spirit in my life and know that you can too. If it werent for the holy spirit helping me and guiding me, I would have fallen away again. Not one elder has bothered to encourage me spiritually since going back. This shows the power of the holy spirit, as many times over the psat year, I could have easily have been stumbled. Jehovah views each of us a precious. Remember, it is he we have a realtionship with, not men and there man made rules. Do not allow these men to put you of your faith in God. The shepherds who are leading the flock will be accountable. Trust in Jehovah and turn your heart toward him. Philemon 1:3 Grace to you (all) and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Please cut, paste and add to favourites the following site. Happy reading. http://www.perimeno.ca/Index_A.htm TE