...and I think it's starting to show.
I started a thread the other day about being hounded after several years of having successfully(?) faded. I've been taken aback a bit the recent developments but I'm making a new strategy...one that depends more on sticking to my guns and laying the cards on the table.
But anyway, for the longest time, I thought I was the only one in my area that had come to learn of the things about the WTS that I had learned. I was all alone in a world surrounded by zealous JWs. But over time, I found out about others in the area. While I've still been careful to protect my privacy and identity I have made contact with a select few. I have since talked to a couple of them after my ranting the other day and I learned that other faders are starting to pop back up on radars.
It got me to thinking... it could all be coincidence...or...it could be that more and more people are losing their zeal and slowly leaving. Some, as I know for a fact, are fading because of the falseness of the organization. They've seen the man behind the curtain and have decided it's time to leave Oz. Others are downtrodden and beat up as the world keeps going and the promises of a New World never become fulfilled. They aren't cognizant of their thoughts or feelings, but they're reacting just the same.
As people either become less zealous and start to slip in their service and others purposefully start slipping away, it has to show up on attendance records and service slips. Even it congregation averages aren't being severly impacted, the fact that there may be over 100 cards in the box but only 70 to 80 some are actually regularly active, it causes traveling overseers to sit up and take notice. And when they take notice, they take notes and local elders are put in the hot seat. When those elders are put in the hot seat, they actually get off their lazy asses and start to try to bolster those numbers back up. Hence, they start calling on those people who are inactive....which if we're fading, our cards are still there and we're not forgotten as much as we'd like to think we were.
In my case, I'm in a new congregation and I didn't even know it. I've got a new PO, or COBOE, or as I like to call him, coordinator of dumbasses. You'd think that after several years, new congregation lines and new elders, I'd be forgotten, but nope...I've become someone's project.
I think that as more time goes by and more and more people start to wake up to the idiocy of all things JW, those fader numbers are going to increase. And as a result, it may actually make it harder to fade. If one or two or three go missing and don't respond to sheparding, it's not a big deal, but if 20% or more start going missing, it's noticeable and the reaction will be swift and quite possibly harsh.