In harmony with that question, since those baptisms are invalid, does that make the marriage vows done prior to becoming a JW invalid as well?
Hmmm... Automatic annullment if your spouse converts to the Watchtower... I think that's a good idea, Miz!
ok, so every other religion in the world's baptism is invalid according to jw's, and theirs is the only true baptism.
that's the story i get.
i have a few questions about that:.
In harmony with that question, since those baptisms are invalid, does that make the marriage vows done prior to becoming a JW invalid as well?
Hmmm... Automatic annullment if your spouse converts to the Watchtower... I think that's a good idea, Miz!
ok, so every other religion in the world's baptism is invalid according to jw's, and theirs is the only true baptism.
that's the story i get.
i have a few questions about that:.
Are they baptized in the name of the father, son and holy spirit since they don't believe in the trinity?
No. There are two questions asked during their Baptism ritual (see this thread):
On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?
Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization?
Then a total-immersion dunking in the water, dry off, and change back to your Assembly clothes.
To the original post: YES (replace "or" with "and").
To the follow-ups: How could there be an all-powerful Force in the same universe that has Jar-Jar in it?
bill clinton jokes.. bill clinton is visiting a school.
in one class, he asks the students if anyone can give him an example of a "tragedy".. one little boy stands up and offers that "if my best friend who lives next door was playing in the street when a car came along and killed him, that would be a tragedy.".
"no," clinton says, "that would be an accident.".
what dollar bill would Clinton be on...
the jehovah's witnesses contested the order in a moscow commercial court.
they said the ban on their publications was unlawful because the publications were the major sources of revenue for the organization.
banning the publications violated their rights to pursue their core activities as an organization.
for Outlaw:
Forrest Gump:
"I was a gozillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free."
Zealous Witness:
"I was a special pioneer and I liked doing it so much, I paid for those Watchtowers myself."
this explanation was taken from the reasoning book, page 204.. how do jehovahs witnesses arrive at their explanation of the bible?.
a key factor is that the witnesses really believe that the bible is gods word and that what it contains is there for our instruction.
(2 tim.
Your explanation is confusing, [sic] how could christ be with the father and at thesame [sic] time be with those who belong to him?. [sic]
If Christ was only a human being with only a human nature, then that question would be meaningful. But Christ is a spiritual being with a divine nature, existing beyond the realm that we call space and time. He is simultaneously everywhere, while being no place in particular. The divine is not part of the universe; the universe is part of the divine. Not only can Christ be with the Father and all who belong to him, from the Christian viewpoint it could be no other way!
(edited to quote Matthew 28:19-20)
"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."
my computer-support service has checked my computer because it's been rather "glitchy" lately, and the hard drive is failing.... so, i'll end up being cut-off from the board, for a while.... some of you have my personal phone number, if you need to get in touch.... **********************************************************************.
here's something else that's been bothering me.... we're going to fly out to see the in-laws soon - and i'm very uneasy about flying.... if something should happen to me, could you people please help find good homes for my animals???
they are all indoors animals, have been spayed/neutered, and are pretty good with dogs.... there are six cats - the seventh one, minx, will have to be "put down", as she is slowly dying of feline leukemia, and is far too "high-maintenance" for anyone else to care for.... but there's chomper - a neutered male, six-toed cat, somewhat feral but ferociously loyal to anyone who will be patient with him - and feed him wet food... he's a big, short-haired grey-and-black tabby... unfortunately, in the process of the hard-drive decay, my computer no longer recognizes my crappy printer, and so i can't load a pix of chomper... but he's a big cutie!!.
Have a safe trip!
i recently started questioning my beliefs and i am not happy with what i found out.
i am married to a born in who admits that wtbs has some problems.
one of his favorite scriptures to quote is psalms 146:3 to "not put your trust in nobles", including the so called fds.
Sounds like your hubby is in DENIAL!
One part denial, two parts conflict between the WT personality and his real personality. When the WT personality is in charge, nothing you do or say gets past the conditioned defenses of WT indoctrination. Look for the times when he's relating to you with his real personality. That is when you have a chance to be heard. It sounds like he's often using that with you; that is the time when you can really communicate with each other.
my computer-support service has checked my computer because it's been rather "glitchy" lately, and the hard drive is failing.... so, i'll end up being cut-off from the board, for a while.... some of you have my personal phone number, if you need to get in touch.... **********************************************************************.
here's something else that's been bothering me.... we're going to fly out to see the in-laws soon - and i'm very uneasy about flying.... if something should happen to me, could you people please help find good homes for my animals???
they are all indoors animals, have been spayed/neutered, and are pretty good with dogs.... there are six cats - the seventh one, minx, will have to be "put down", as she is slowly dying of feline leukemia, and is far too "high-maintenance" for anyone else to care for.... but there's chomper - a neutered male, six-toed cat, somewhat feral but ferociously loyal to anyone who will be patient with him - and feed him wet food... he's a big, short-haired grey-and-black tabby... unfortunately, in the process of the hard-drive decay, my computer no longer recognizes my crappy printer, and so i can't load a pix of chomper... but he's a big cutie!!.
My computer-support service has checked my computer because it's been rather "glitchy" lately, and the hard drive is failing...
Leave the Sunday paper ad inserts where your husband will find them, drop hints about how old and troublesome your computer is, talk about the big Black Friday sales coming up this week, and how Christmas/Solstice is coming up soon...
Just sayin'...
i recently started questioning my beliefs and i am not happy with what i found out.
i am married to a born in who admits that wtbs has some problems.
one of his favorite scriptures to quote is psalms 146:3 to "not put your trust in nobles", including the so called fds.
They incorrectly believe that if you don't support Jehovah 100%, then you probably aren't a faithful marriage partner. This may sound crazy, but it's the first thing that pops into their heads, many times.
Agree! This is a trust-killer for both marital partners. It destroys the faith in each other that is the foundation of a marital partnership.
or [if] he sees any outright DECEIT.
Learn about "theocratic warfare". Though now it is phrased in more legally defensible language than in the days of Rutherford, the practice endures. But be sure he's open to really hearing what you say before trying to discuss it with him. Be alert for signs of selective hearing; there is no use continuing when the Watchtower "Trained Christian Conscience" makes him hear a Watchtower article instead of the words you are speaking.