Staying with the in-laws, no blood shed, and nothing worse than a stiff back and colds to show for it? Not even a security line snafu or lost luggage? It sounds like things went pretty well.
Welcome back, Zid!
my computer-support service has checked my computer because it's been rather "glitchy" lately, and the hard drive is failing.... so, i'll end up being cut-off from the board, for a while.... some of you have my personal phone number, if you need to get in touch.... **********************************************************************.
here's something else that's been bothering me.... we're going to fly out to see the in-laws soon - and i'm very uneasy about flying.... if something should happen to me, could you people please help find good homes for my animals???
they are all indoors animals, have been spayed/neutered, and are pretty good with dogs.... there are six cats - the seventh one, minx, will have to be "put down", as she is slowly dying of feline leukemia, and is far too "high-maintenance" for anyone else to care for.... but there's chomper - a neutered male, six-toed cat, somewhat feral but ferociously loyal to anyone who will be patient with him - and feed him wet food... he's a big, short-haired grey-and-black tabby... unfortunately, in the process of the hard-drive decay, my computer no longer recognizes my crappy printer, and so i can't load a pix of chomper... but he's a big cutie!!.
Staying with the in-laws, no blood shed, and nothing worse than a stiff back and colds to show for it? Not even a security line snafu or lost luggage? It sounds like things went pretty well.
Welcome back, Zid!
just read on jehovahs witness forum that leon weaver has been made president.
replacement for max larson.
Will the Brothers be Stumbled by his un-theocratic facial hair? Or will there be New Light about Christian grooming standards?
the first time i heard of christopher hitchens was today when his named was mentioned multiple times in the comment section of a youtube video.
after reading a brief summary of his life, it became clear that this guy was a complete douche-bag.
a very arrogant sarcastic bigoted f**k who looked down on everyone who didn't share his beliefs.
You said it well, Josie!
the first time i heard of christopher hitchens was today when his named was mentioned multiple times in the comment section of a youtube video.
after reading a brief summary of his life, it became clear that this guy was a complete douche-bag.
a very arrogant sarcastic bigoted f**k who looked down on everyone who didn't share his beliefs.
Actually I never heard of Christopher Hitchens until today and I'm pretty sure outside the atheist/agnostic community hardly anyone knows about him or his books.
In that case, listening to you talk about Hitchens would be like discussing evolution with folks who never read Darwin. It would be like discussing Communism with somebody who didn't know what Marx said or what Stalin did. It would be a waste of time.
I can't wait until they bury the fat dead bastard so I can desecrate his grave.
That says more about you than it does about Hitchens.
i had hoped one or two others were about to start a thread on the book of daniel, springing off from the nwt conversation, but alas, nobody has yet.
therefore, i thought i'd start one--i hope that was not too presumptuous of me.
personally, i have nothing meaty to contribute to this thread, only questions and gut feelings.
It's the same article Doug Mason links to. Doug credits Leolaia in the prologue for her contributions to it. That's why I included her in the "Thank you".
jehovah's witnesses and the anti-cult movement: a human rights perspectivejohn b. brown, ii (social educator, tucson, arizona)human rights issues and religious freedomthe issues created by anticult fervor can be recapitulated in the following points.
Pot, kettle, BLACK!
this is not the actual photo of the sign and the article writer is the one making most of the racist remarks in an attempt to reveal the stupidity here:.
woman still doesnt understand why her white only swimming pool is racistan ohio landlord who posted a "white only" sign outside her property's swimming pool is requesting that the state reconsider its ruling.
What a ding-bat! How about a "No Whites Allowed" sign, to keep theirour greasy head-to-toe coatings of SPF-50 out of the pool?
i had hoped one or two others were about to start a thread on the book of daniel, springing off from the nwt conversation, but alas, nobody has yet.
therefore, i thought i'd start one--i hope that was not too presumptuous of me.
personally, i have nothing meaty to contribute to this thread, only questions and gut feelings.
Good job, Doug! Thank you (and you too, Leolaia) for the article.
i have neither friends nor family to turn to.
the result of being born in a cult.
but i need to talk about this.
I'm sorry you're having to deal with this, Jonathan.
Like the title of your post says, it's cheating. If you did with a co-worker what she did with him, would she or you call that cheating? (Yes.) Did she feel guilty and need to confess? (Yes.) And since she wore her fancy lingerie for the occassion, it was planned--not a case of losing control "in the heat of the moment".
I agree with what the others have recommended:
If you want to save your marriage, you need to start being partners again. I hope you're able to do that!
i had hoped one or two others were about to start a thread on the book of daniel, springing off from the nwt conversation, but alas, nobody has yet.
therefore, i thought i'd start one--i hope that was not too presumptuous of me.
personally, i have nothing meaty to contribute to this thread, only questions and gut feelings.
Most attempt to pin Daniel’s prophecies to events during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes.
This gets confusing, because more than one "Antiochus" is involved. The events of Daniel 1:10-15 were during the reign of Antiochus III (Magnus), not Antiochus IV (Epiphanes). Antiochus III twice invaded Egypt, losing the first time, but later defeating Ptolemy V (Epiphanes) and regaining control of Judea around 198 BC (*). He then made the mistake of attacking Pergamum, an ally of Rome, in 192 BC. Roman General Scipius did what Roman Generals did best: defeated Antiochus III in Pergamum in 191 BC, followed his retreat to Asia Minor where he defeated him again at Magnesia in 190 BC, extracted a massive tribute, took away his fleet, and took his younger son Antiochus IV (Epiphanes) as hostage.
Needing gold to pay off the Romans, Antiochus III took it from temples throughout his realm (not just in Jerusalem). He was killed during one of these temple raids in 187 BC. He was succeeded by his older son, Seleucus IV (Philopater).
This was the one "soon destroyed, though not in conflict or battle" (Daniel 11:20). In 175 BC Seleucus IV was assassinated by his own minister, who briefly took over the throne.
Antiochus IV returned from Rome, deposed that minister, and took the throne for himself--also in 175 BC. Daniel describes the reign of Antiochus IV beginning at verse 21. He is the one who looted the temple in Jerusalem on his way back from his first invasion of Egypt in 170 BC (1 Maccabbees 16-28). He invaded Egypt again, suffered his own humiliation at the hands of Rome (Daniel 11:30), and sacked Jerusalem again on his way back (168 BC)--this was the time of the desecration of the temple (Daniel 11:31) and forced Hellenization, though some Jews resisted and remained faithful (Daniel 11:32-39). After that, Daniel departs from known history--verses 40 and on seem to be a wishful account of Antiochus' demise, echoing the fate of Gog in Ezekiel chapters 38-39. His actual death in Persia (164 BC) was anti-climatic, his power faded after assaults on multiple fronts (including the Maccabbean revolt and attacks from the Parthians).
That was, for practical purposes, the end of Seleucid power. Roman influence and power were becoming dominant, especially after the defeat of Carthage in the third Punic war (146 BC).
Asimov's Guide to the Bible, single volume edition published by Avenel, New York, 1981, ISBN 0-517-34582-X
Jewish Encyclopedia, article about Antiochus IV Epiphanes
New American Bible, Revised Edition, US Conferenec of Catholic Bishops, footnotes to books of Daniel and 1 Maccabbees
(*) Three different calendars are involved: Seleucid (Greek), Hebrew and Julian (Roman). The different ways each reckon years sometimes causes one-year variances when comparing dates between different calendars.