Another uplifting talk from SD-7!
I heard that brother Steven has recently been a service partner with Sister Barbie. What a fine turn of events, he is SOOOO much more spiritual than that worldly apostate Ken!
the scene was set: i stood amongst the enemy, brandishing my magic sword and shield.
i enjoyed the feeling of control and power that came with my vocation: warrior wizard.
but a chance encounter changed my life forever.
Another uplifting talk from SD-7!
I heard that brother Steven has recently been a service partner with Sister Barbie. What a fine turn of events, he is SOOOO much more spiritual than that worldly apostate Ken!
well.....i am now officially on the precipice of divorce.
it started last tuesday night.
my wife brings the kids home at 10:00 pm after the meeting....then dinner....then ice cream.
FYI - I emailed my lawyer with a copy of the child custody brochure today. It broke my heart to do it.....but I had to
If it's come to that, sharing the pamphlet with your lawyer is a good move. With knowledge of the Watchtower tactics, your attorney will be prepared to deal with them effectively. With the lawyers involved, you may be past the point of no return. That's sad, but under the circumstances getting out is probably the lesser evil.
My 5 year old asked my wife in front of me "Mama.....does daddy serve Satan?" I looked at my wife and said "well.....why don't you answer her?" She remained silent. Then at 5 year old said "I just don't understand.....why to you want to be friends with Satan?"
Document these events as best you can. This situation has a name: parental alienation syndrome.
The most important thing is to not sink to her level (your lawyer should already have had this talk with you, but it's worth repeating). No name-calling, no bad-mouthing her to the children, no threats. Don't put the children in the middle of a dispute between you and your wife. You need to stand up for yourself, while following every rule scrupulously. Think twice, three times about what you say and do--avoid anything that could be twisted and taken out of context to make you look bad in a custody hearing. Protect yourself against false allegations. And take care of yourself, your children need their father!
"trustworthy bible chronology".
"indisputible facts".
"faithfulful and discrete slave".
"Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses"
and kingdom halls, too!
with unrestrained enthusiasm,.
Tax the Republicans!
Tax the Democrats!
Tax the Libertarians!
Tax the Socialists!
Tax the PACs!
Tax the labor unions!
Tax management!
Tax the AMA and the bar association!
Tax everybody I disagree with in any way, shape or form!
i woke up this morning to find the following comment had been left on on my article entitled "watchtower's new 'toy story' - what parents need to know".
it read as follows.... .
my grandson, who is 3, was telling me magic is bad several times a day.
Before discussing the Watchtower with her daughter, she should read A Catholic Critique of Jehovah's Witnesses. It was written about half a century ago, but still offers an good (unflattering) survey of WT history and doctrines. It is particularly appropriate for those with a Catholic background (practicing or not).
"In what follows we shall attempt to investigate the more outstanding pecularities of the Witnesses’ creed….We would emphasize our purpose in doing this, which is not to ridicule or make light of anyone’s beliefs simply because they are not our beliefs. What has prompted this analysis is the Witnesses’ own insistence on their beliefs as truths which contradict our beliefs and are incompatible with them. We shall approach the Witnesses’ creed from the standpoint of those elements in it which are avowedly destructive of the Judeo-Christian tradition in which we stand. In doing so, we hope to do a service not merely for those of the Catholic religion but also for all who share the concern of the Catholic Church for the fundamental doctrines and values of the Christianity which has molded our society…"
i am a new stepmom to an 8 year old boy whose mother is a jw pioneer.
my husband has been disfellowshipped for 2.5 years now.
i was part of the reason he left the organization for good, although he had stopped believing long before being kicked out.
I suggest being 'the nice guys' and NEVER bad mouth his mother, never criticize the JWs and always just give unconditional love and support.
If need be later on you will have to be prepared to FIGHT her to maintain the fantastic 50/50 care.
Amen, Aussie Oz! The last thing you want is to join in the conflict she seems to want. If she ever convinces a judge that your household is defaming the other side, she may get primary, even full custody. Your husband is in an good position having 50/50 custody instead of the every-other-weekend plan--don't jeopardize that. This works both ways, of course: she shouldn't be disrespecting you and your husband, either.
Whatever the adults need to say to each other, they should be saying it directly--not going through an eight year old child. The parents and step-parents should be working together, not against each other. The present situation is bad in so many ways:
So walk the high road: don't give in to her manipulation, but don't respond in kind either. Insist to her personally that she behave in a manner fitting a responsible, christian adult (if she has to fake that part, it's her problem ). Check into the separation and custody agreement. There's a good chance it includes language about not disparaging the other parent, and may also include language about your stepson's religious upbringing. Tell her she must honor the promises she made and the court declared binding. If she doesn't live up to her responsibilities, get it on the record--phone messages, email, or in writing--so she can't deny her conduct if she runs back to the family court trying to change the custody arrangement.
When he comes back he feels guilty for whatever activities he did with us.. We even tried to sign him up for soccer and his mother went ape#$&@. She doesn't want us to read him books like C.S. Lewis's the Chronicles of Narnia. She doesn't want us to do anything for holidays
That is so one-sided! His outside activities should be by agreement of both parents and based on what is best for the boy, not dictated by one side to score status points with the elders. She says no soccer, but how would she react if you said no Field Service? She says no Chronicles of Narnia, but what would she think if you said no Greatest Teacher or My Book of Bible Stories? She says no to Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays, etc. but what if your rule was no "Memorial"?
Consistent love and guidance, a model of mature behavior: that is what your stepson needs. Do what you can to give that to him!
a controversial subject that hasn't been talked about here for 10 years (or so it seems on my quick search).. .
i think it's wrong to spay or neuter.
i bet most of you will disagree.. my vet just called me an irresponsible owner for refusing to have my cat spayed..
The animal shelter here requires spaying/neutering for all their adoption animals. The charge for the operation is part of the adoption fee, just like the rabies vaccination.
Edited to add...
If you think this would put them out of business, guess again. Though this policy has been in effect for a long time, the animal shelter remains filled to capacity from the unwanted litters of intact animals.
it is brought to my attention that some non jw's deliberately accept jw literature just to throw it in the bin.. their intentions are perceived as positive meaning these non jw's throwing their magazines away is a good thing.. what is your view on the matter?.
should they accept or not accept their literature, and why?.
is accepting literature benefiting or damaging the cult, and why?.
Accepting it only encourages them. Let your "no" mean no; do nothing that could be interpreted as "maybe".
this weekend was the convention for the southern san francisco bay area.
it was held at the santa clara convention center in the silicon valley which is an improvement over the old s.f.
cow palace which is still used..just not as much.
If you have a sense of shame, you aren't cut out to be a Watchtower leader. Some things will never change!
my mother just told me today that her cousin's wife has extended an invite for me to attend their 35th wedding anniversary.
i find that i'm not in the mood to be surrounding by a group of jws especially since said cousin and his wife are both jws and i did accept the wife as a friend on facebook where i've been none too discreet about my distaste for the society.
I'm sorry to say that I can't because that's my daughter's birthday weekend.
What a perfect response!