Yes, yes, yes! And Kingdom Halls, too! Do it, do it, do it!
with unrestrained enthusiasm,
by metatron 40 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, yes, yes! And Kingdom Halls, too! Do it, do it, do it!
with unrestrained enthusiasm,
Further, I say we take away tax breaks for ALL marriages (gay and straight alike), since people who love each other and want to express their commitment to each other and the World don't need tax incentives to do so, and we cannot afford the luxury of squandering tax breaks to incentivize what people will do quite naturally! GOP wants to deny gays right to marry? Fine: let's just cut the marriage tax break "baby" in half, and see if they're still willing to protect the sanctity of marriage at the cost of avoiding a discriminative tax break for straights, only, by just taxing the tax break away....
Same goes for tax breaks for having children: people have raised families for eons without tax breaks from the govt, and although the govt may be unaware of this, sex and reproduction doesn't need govt subsidies to encourage it as people will do it anyway (7 billion people on Earth SHOULD be proof enough). Mitts enormous family (26 kids or whatever it is) should be proof, as well...
The job of a church is to provide spiritual enlightenment and empowerment. Which they do a pxxx poor job of doing--they do the exact opposite. Most of them program people to be helpless and powerless, preventing them from doing what they want. And the witlesses do even worse: By making a person dedicate their souls to Jehovah and doing the 9 affirmations to finalize it forever (once in private prayer, 5 times during interrogation sessions, twice during hounder meetings behind your back, and once at the pool, they are binding their souls. Once a person is thus dedicated, such dedication may actually reach the astral. Can a person later dedicate their soul to another God? Maybe like Jesus, Allah--or Satan? So long as they are bound to Jehovah, they will not be fully available to dedicate to anything or anyone else. Even if they are not "living up to the dedication" and are even apostate, how do they know if the dedication remains on the astral?
For that reason, I would like to see the Jehovah's Witlesses, and any other religion or cult that forces members to dedicate their souls with the 9-fold affirmation or other occult means, to be put out of business once for all. Tax them right out of existence. Binding a person to Jehovah (who has a miserably poor track record) is spiritual abuse, and is worse than any other kind of abuse. This sxxx can linger right into a person's future lives, as once the dedication reaches the astral (usually, it renders them incapable of doing anything about it), it lingers even past death. This whole religion, and Jehovah himself, needs to go.
Well, THAT'S a bit extreme: taxes aren't to be so burdensome to force businesses out of existence, as then there's no benefit to society in the way of tax revenue collected in the future!
But yeah, Rutherford had it right with his "racket and snare" comment, and I'd say characterizing religion as a Ponzi scheme where the "product" is snake-oil as a patent medicine curative to ensure one's spiritual salvation, is not too far off from the reality.... Tax that placebo!
But that stated, none of these suggestions have ANY chance of going anywhere: people are too lulled into tradition ("but thats the way its always been done!") and self-entitlement ("not MY tax break!") in order to see what needs to be done. Meanwhile, they're being told we all can have our cake and eat it, since it's not like anyone has to actually PAY the bill for this party....
We can dream.
Of course! There should be nothing at all beyond the grasp of the State! Nothing outside the State, nothing beyond the State, nothing except the State!
Now fly! my little pretties!
I have worked with unmarried people who tell me they dont get married because they want the tax benefits of
being single.
What country are you in, JB?
do it! my only concern would be that the cost will be passed to the consumers in the form of many ppls inheritance.