Although I no longer believe in the Bible, the atmosphere and positive association will help me become the person I use to be. My life is all negative now and I need something positive to balance it out.
There are alternatives. If you don't believe what the Watchtower teaches, you're not likely to find long term happiness there. It's stressful to always be showing a false front. Look for a group where you can be true to your real self, and you will do better in the years to come. Being a hypocrite is no way to go through life.
Don't discount all religions based on your Watchtower experience (or what they say about other faiths). Few use the incredibly strict literal interetation of scripture they insist on, and nobody else uses their pecuilar version of the Bible. Look around and see if there is something that does resonate with you, that you really can accept as being an authentic path for right living. It is not yet time to surrender!