Online courses can be pricey in some regions. The advantage of online classes would be if you are trying to finish your degree quickly, some schools that offer online classes have a rolling calendar, every 6 to 8 weeks you start a new class. IA that community colleges are a great bargain and stepping stone to a four-year degree.
Make sure that the school is accredited, regionally and in your state. Also, if you are seeking a professional/health-care degree, make sure that the school you are attending is accredited with the organization you will seek certification from.
Stay away from for-profit schools (google will supply you with the most popular), many people leave these places in huge debt. See if your employer/union/trade organization has tuition reimbursement or an affliation with a local college. Even if you can't get the reimbursement, they often supply book voucher, application fee waivers or allow you to take classes during work hours. Check out this thread. I went back to school for the first time at age 33, you can do it!