JoinedTopics Started by cheerios
Did You Reach Out For "Privileges"?
by minimus inas one who grew up "in the truth", i recognized that the most important goal i could ever have was "to be used" in jehovah's service (aka the organization).
when i was a kid i pioneered every summer for at least one month, sometimes more.
i was the timekeeper for the theocratic ministry school as a child.
How Much WT Literature is Still in Your Life?
by OnTheWayOut inespecially those that no longer go to any meetings, but even those that still go- how much wt literature do you read or scan over?.
blondie does her weekly study article comments.
flipper started commenting on articles in upcoming issues.
Help needed - Surviving Armegeddon
by Iwonder17 inwhat is the most recent wt that states that only jw's will survive armegeddon?
i can't find it anywhere.
i thought it was in 2004. thanks !.
LaidOff Bethelites: Weeping And Gnashing of Teeth
by metatron indon't let any of the watchtower's propaganda deceive you.
i encountered some private conversations among witnesses about the subject and it's ugly.
yes, there is suffering as many of these victims try to live on charity and can't find jobs in the worst economy since the depression.. some of their private observations include shock that you need a college degree for nearly any job and that the watchtower society couldn't have picked a worse time to do this to them .. all the while these complaints are discussed, i try not to show that i am astounded by their bizarre "logic".
COs Disappearing Latest
by wouldacouldashoulda inhi posters.
could someone give me the latest on cos and whether they are disappearing or not?
please feel free to post recent links i may have missed.. .
My sister died in a head on collision last night
by Bumble Bee ini still can't believe it.
she was here for the bbq, we had an awesome time, laughing, her telling stories from our childhoods.
i gave her a hug and told her i loved her before she left.
If the WTS is not a False Prophet, what is it? surely the Bible identifies them as Apostates
by jookbeard inthrough out the wts history it has claimed to be the only channel that god has selected to be his mouthpiece on earth, it calls itself ; the greater david, the jonnadab class, the faithful and discreet slave, the elijah class, the fulfillers of trumpet blasts in revelation, so on and so forth.
yet from it's inception by ct russel it promoted a unique brand of biblical beliefs that were meant to be accepted as bible truth, 1799 1874/1914, miracle wheat, the pleiades star constellation, the occult content found in the studies in the scriptures/divine plan of the ages etc, would jesus himself have selected a religious group who were promoting such beliefs?
impossible, also russel was embroiled in a serious sex scandal that was never satisfactorily answered.. the reign of joe rutherford whose first proclamation was to announce that he had served as a district judge, which was shown to be a lie, he went on to build beth sharim a luxurious house in expectation of the resurrection to earth of the faithful worthies , a failed prophecy that surprisingly failed to come true.
Joshua asked God to let the Sun stand still.....and he did it? How? Why?
by Witness 007 injoshua wasn't done butchering people, "not enough time in the day" to chop up "god's enemies" so he says: "yeah hi jehovah, just wondering if you could make the sun stand still for me so i can continue the slaughter...thanks.
" no problem!
god stops the earths rotation {which should cause it to drift from the sun or crash into the moon} and holds it for joshua.