is there a point to this thread?
JoinedPosts by cheerios
Feb. 15 Study WT - More creationism and stupidity - A response
by eric356 inwell, the wt is back on it: "today, there is a rising tide of atheistic and evolutionist propaganda dependent on flawed and baseless reasoning.
we should not let this flood of faulty thinking confuse or intimidate us.
" (pg.
Sayings of Everlasting Life heard "Nowhere Else" but in JW Organization?
by InterestedOne ini just finished reading the 9/15/2010 wt study edition article for nov 8-14, and the last few sentences of paragraph 7 on page 18 jumped out at me.
referring to the "one association" which i assume means the jw organization, the author says "... where else can we turn?
nowhere else can we hear the sayings of everlasting life.
1914 - What is the importance of this date?
by sabastious in"we don't live for dates".
i have heard this a lot in my lifetime when witnesses get approached with any critical thinking of the 1914 year date.. this sounds good, at face value, but it's so disconcerting to hear them minimize this date when they will jump all over it as "proof" of their organization's divinity.. without dates such as 1914 societies like the watchtower simply would not exist.
the watchtower needed these dates to anticipate and use as selling points.. remember, before 1914 there were not very many witnesses.
Can we understand the Bible without the Watchtower?
by brotherdan innot according to c.t russell.
in the september 15, 1910 wt he made these shocking claims regarding the 6 scripture studies that he wrote:.
"that is to say, they are not merely comments on the bible, but they are practically the bible itself...".
@aguest: well thank you for your reply
i cannot say that i quite agree with some of what you wrote, but we are in total agreement that the WTS has a horrible god that is not worthy of anything but deposing. and yes, i must admit, that i do believe that my experience with the jahwidiots has tainted my view towards christianity, but that is something that i am working on.
and thank you for explaining your communication style. i think you may have misunderstood my question a little, but your answers definitely tell me that you're not condescending. (i have been called such and spoken to by a member of the GB and other holier-than-thou dubs before - and they were condescending, so i get a little agitated when i hear such speech.) It's just your communication style. and that's fine by me
as to the sign - yeah, i struggle with that. i dont seem to have any faith; however, at the same time, i question why i should have to even have faith.
btw, you really seem to enjoy contract law ... i fell asleep in contract law in school
to me it's quite the yawner ... explains why i didn't do very well in that class haha
by Vicosovich_R indo you believe that just because you start your posts with, may you have peace, that you are genuinely kind?
when in actuality, when you greet people with that message, then follow it with sarcasm and snide remarks, you are really being cruel.
when was cruelty ever synonymous with being faithful?
wow ... okay i admit i don't get her greeting style either, but at least i *asked* her what her intention was in a different thread (before i saw this thread).
i dont think that the OP has any call to attack her like that. i dont agree with a lot of what she says either, but so what? we're all entitled to our opinion. i for one intend to learn some things from her, things that i truly just don't get. then i'll make my own judgement. that's what grownups do, yes?
OP needs the boot. no call for that kind of behaviour.
btw: i am a follower of Outlaw .. just sayin
Can we understand the Bible without the Watchtower?
by brotherdan innot according to c.t russell.
in the september 15, 1910 wt he made these shocking claims regarding the 6 scripture studies that he wrote:.
"that is to say, they are not merely comments on the bible, but they are practically the bible itself...".
>> You live in a time 3,000 years since... and are trying to apply your "logic" to that time. That... is illogical.
@aguest: i do not really understand your comments. you state that you've studied contract law - modern contract law? have you studied ancient hebrew contract law? is there even such a course? if there isn't, then how can you possibly understand the full extent of their law? you wouldn't be able to. you would be applying your study of MODERN contract law to what the hebrews did (or allegedly what god told them to do). our system of laws (and that is relative to where you live), while in principal may seem similar, has a very different spirit. if i am illogical for applying my modern views to those days, wouldn't that make you the same?
secondly, slavery absolutely is condoned in the bible - so long as you're not a hebrew. the jah of the ot had no problem with them taking slaves, genocide, abuse of women, etc. was it their custom then? yes. is it acceptable today? no. should it have been acceptable to a loving god that as he clearly states that he does not change for times indefinite to times indefinite ... i wouldn't like to think so. as to the hebrews not denigrating women .. are you saying that women were equal to the men? did the woman have a choice in who she was 'sold to' in marriage? what happened if she fooled around, as young people tend to do ... didn't she become 'damaged goods' ... well, as you state, perhaps that is my modern viewpoint from today's society, but since jah of the ot does not change ... stands to reason that he would feel that way now. the WTS certainly doesnt treat women equally ... and that is their god.
thirdly, i'm not certain how to take your greeting or your communication style. you call me "dear one" - as you do not know me, that sounds a little condescending. also, you write as if you are writing to a child - as i am not a child, that is also slightly insulting. as you seem to be a nice person, i thought i'd ask you if that was your intention? if it's not, great (and i shall not take it as such). just trying to understand your communication style. i enjoy debating, but only when it is non-offensive.
what i appreciate about you is that you have faith in the bible and god. i do not, however, and probably that is because of the WTS. that does not mean that i am not open to learning more about god, if he indeed does exist and is different than the god worshipped by the WTS. (i want nothing to do with that god - if that makes me a heathen, than so be it.) but many tend to feel that there is a nicer god. so i am open to learning about him/her/it; however, i want some type of empirical evidence presented by people who are not blind zealots - i do not see any difference between those people and WTS. if there is a god, that shouldn't be too difficult for him to provide.
Does anybody in London know anything about this???
by brizzzy ini'm a californian, but a good friend in london just texted me saying there's a blitz of about 50 jehovah's witnesses in croydon right outside of where she's eating loaded up with watchtowers and setting up a stall and a speaker with a megaphone.
she also says that some of them are women in wheelchairs and that they're rolling in front of passers by and blocking them when they try to ignore them.
she says all of the pedestrians are telling them to fuck off and leave them alone because they're not interested in a cult, haha.. is this something new that the society is encouraging over there (or even more scary, everywhere?
the "not allowed to play chess" was a bit of an exaggeration.
i remember the magazines way back said that true christians would not learn war games, and the magazine specifically mentioned that chess was a game of war. while not coming out and saying: you are not allowed to play chess ... they did heavily imply that true christians would not do so. many dubbies started saying 'the society says you cannot play chess' even though those words didn't specifically appear in that article.
with the word games that the WT$ plays, i think they know the impact that their words will have .. it's all about control.
One reason JW's go to their Meetings
by Sour Grapes inlast week i drove by the kh thursday at 6:25 pm which is.
35 minutes before the meeting starts and there were already.
15 cars in the parking lot.
Are You For Or Against The Death Penalty?
by minimus ini clearly am for it if it's proven without a doubt that a person murdered another in cold blood.
recently, in connecticut, a man was convicted of killing 2 young girls and their mother.
the animal raped them and almost killed the defenseless husband/father who could do nothing while these atrocities were being carried out in his own home!.
i am on the fence ... for some cases, yes absolutely. in other case, not sure. while we do have some evidence that proves that mistakes have been made, do we know what the percentage of failure is?
what bothers me about life in prison is that the rest of us have to foot the bill of the prisons. maybe we should just wall up new york city and put them all in there
bethel brother murdered by fellow JW
by InquiryMan inthis took place in the "branch-town" of selters in germany in front of more than 30 other witnesses.. it was a knife-stabbing that took place without a word or anything in advance that could explain why it happened.. quite a tragedy... .
(if one puts the url in google-translate, one might understand what it is all about for those who do not speak german)..
frankly, i am surprised that this kind of thing doesn't happen more often. as wound up as the dubs are, it would seem that life's pressure cooker would cause more to snap when they are not given any kind of justice (not saying that is the case here, just making a generalisation).
i know when i was having severe problems with a violent spouse, the elders did nothing except blame me for 'not studying more with her' ... so she attacks me and i get counseled ... perhaps something happened between these two and the elduh's did their usual nothing except make the victim feel bad .. and then the victim snapped ... (a theory, at any rate)