sign this petition!!
dont let our granma leave us!!!!!
dont go mouthy!!!
it has come to my attention that a much-beloved poster on this forum has been hurt by the insensitivity shown toward her account of how badly she was treated by the wt.. i realize this is a place where are all welcome, and barring any posting guidelines violations, we are free to air our views without fear of any backlash.. however, please keep in mind that most posters here - yours truly being one of them - view the wt in a negative light.
with all the evidence out there pertaining to its deceitfulness, how can anyone view it otherwise?.
i reached out to you, angel eyes, because i sense that you need a friend.
just wanted to throw in my support for mouthy. i know you don't know me as i am relatively new to posting, but i've been lurking for years, and quite frankly, mouthy makes a lot of sense and as far as i can tell, she's a very nice person.
mouthy, perhaps you don't realize the good affect you have on us 'lurkers'. please stay :)
a couple of weeks ago, an ex-bethelite(10 years) by the name of mel smith was disfellowshipped.
i understand that he still lives in ny are and has a mortgage company.
evidently, he was hurt while serving at the farm and watchtower did some horrible things to him.
wtf ... reslight2 has NOT seen princess bride!???
a couple of weeks ago, an ex-bethelite(10 years) by the name of mel smith was disfellowshipped.
i understand that he still lives in ny are and has a mortgage company.
evidently, he was hurt while serving at the farm and watchtower did some horrible things to him.
So is he in the Pit of Despair?
probably ... because ... no one withstands the machine ...
i was thinking about some stupid non-sensical answers i have heard over the years.
"we all know the blue whale is the biggest fish"
"we were on the ministry and met a coloured couple.
during one particularly stupid and embarassing washtowel study, the word 'phalic' was in the paragraph, and the overtly gay (and a complete asshat) conductor asked what the word meant. and stood there waiting for someone to put up a hand. no one did. he asked again. still silence. he looked around. finally this one OLD sister put her hand up and said: "uh .. it's a .. well .. a .. you know ... a man's .. uhh errr"
asshat conductor yellos PENIS into the microphone so loudly that feedback resulted. it got really quiet. and here-in lies the comment:
this weirdo sister from an inbred family blurts out:
"she couldn't answer because it's been so long since she saw one she forgot what it was called!"
i about pee'd my pants laughing ... but NO ONE else thought it was funny
personally, i would have no problem with this law.
if they want to 'rejoin' society, this should be a condition of their release.
i do not understand why human rights groups would be more concerned about these dangerous criminals...more...than children.. what do you think?.
They heal well with very little pain or infection, as the nerves and blood supply are cut-off. A similar technique is used on people already to treat hemorrhoids.
why would you rubberband someone's happy sack to treat hemorrhoids
i was reading barbara anderson's recent entry on free minds, and it made me think--the society's recent maneuvers in real estate, moving things to canada, etc.
does this mean jws in the u.s. will be facing problems from the government soon?
if so, is anyone knowledgeable enough to give an educated guess as to how soon this might happen?.
People join jws voluntarily. People have the freedom to join or not join.
those that grow up in it don't get that choice until later. then freedom to leave is never an option, not without heavy penalties. but ofc once you get out, it's way worth the cost.
through out the wts history it has claimed to be the only channel that god has selected to be his mouthpiece on earth, it calls itself ; the greater david, the jonnadab class, the faithful and discreet slave, the elijah class, the fulfillers of trumpet blasts in revelation, so on and so forth.
yet from it's inception by ct russel it promoted a unique brand of biblical beliefs that were meant to be accepted as bible truth, 1799 1874/1914, miracle wheat, the pleiades star constellation, the occult content found in the studies in the scriptures/divine plan of the ages etc, would jesus himself have selected a religious group who were promoting such beliefs?
impossible, also russel was embroiled in a serious sex scandal that was never satisfactorily answered.. the reign of joe rutherford whose first proclamation was to announce that he had served as a district judge, which was shown to be a lie, he went on to build beth sharim a luxurious house in expectation of the resurrection to earth of the faithful worthies , a failed prophecy that surprisingly failed to come true.
if romans 5:12 is correct then what started the ball rolling in the animal kingdom?.
why do they die?
did a pussy eat a peice of forbiden cat meal?.
These were some Enterprise security red-shirts who screwed the pooch on the prime directive joking around with the naked Eve.
this is why the red-shirts almost always die first ... THEY committed the original sin ... can't really blame them tho ... eve was hot ... allegedly ... or maybe their shore leave was long overdue ...
but that reminds me of a scripture from the book of Chekov, Chapter 1 verse 23: "If thou holiest Captain Kirk, Doctor McCoy, Mr. Spock and Ensign Liebowitz beameth down to thy planet, whofor shall not returneth? Thy unlean dog that weareth the scarlet colored shirt! Nay! Therefore ist the weeping and gnashing of his teeth! Amen!"
and my other log is a redwood..
∞ + 1
and my log is petrified .... errr wait a mo ... is that a bit ... naughty? o.O