we have had snow for almost a month now - at times quite heavy.
JoinedPosts by cheerios
Pre-Thanksgiving snow - here we go
by Gregor injust a trace but a good indicator of what kind of el nina winter we are in for.
high of 24 here today, in the teens tonight.
i will be making salmon chowder today.
Is Another 1975 Possible?
by God_Delusion inhowdy,.
do you think the society has a planned campaign where they will state that armageddon will be upon us within the next 10 years and actually state that armageddon will definitely hit by 2020?
we all know that they have been drumming into us that "the end is just around the corner", but can you see them pulling another 1975 stunt in order to bring in additional members?.
@nathan: figs are important to them you know ... remember andre, he doesnt give any 'figs' ...
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Damned For Their Beliefs?
by Cold Steel inobviously this is for people who believe in an afterlife.. are jehovah's witnesses damned because of their beliefs?
please elaborate.. .
i dont believe they are damned for their beliefs ... maybe damn stupid ...
do the jw'swant you to not associate non jw's
by not a jw inmy wife became a witness a few yrs after we had gotten married and i was wondering if the jw's believe that they should not socialize with people who are not jw's?i had some neighbors when i was younger and their kids who were close to my age said that that was their beliefs being witnesses.i ask my wife that and she says that isnt true.does it differ from congregation to congregation or is someone trying to cover up something?
i personally know a young woman who is an elder's daughter. she attended the local state university to get her master's so she could become a teacher.
it does happen. sometimes witnesses have less-than-dogmatic parents that let them go. but far more do not go. the standard is and has always been (at least since i've been alive) that going to university is pointless because the "end is so very near" and true christians should be spending all their time in the field ministry, etc.
what flipflops caused you to think?
by cheerios inwhile posting on another thread, i thought of this.
for me, it was the "we never said you couldn't go to college" flipflop in the mid 1990s.
when ofc we all know that to be an utter lie.. now that i think about it, their literature is written with future flipflopping mind.
while posting on another thread, i thought of this. for me, it was the "we never said you couldn't go to college" flipflop in the mid 1990s. when ofc we all know that to be an utter lie.
now that i think about it, their literature is written with future flipflopping mind. the use of subjective language, indefinites, and assumptions masquerading as fact are very subtle to the average non-thinking dub. i remember being bothered during the revelation book study that they didn't seem sure about what they were writing as so many assumptions were made. it's easy then to say: "well you lot just got it wrong - we never said that" ...
so what flipflops got your noodle working?
do the jw'swant you to not associate non jw's
by not a jw inmy wife became a witness a few yrs after we had gotten married and i was wondering if the jw's believe that they should not socialize with people who are not jw's?i had some neighbors when i was younger and their kids who were close to my age said that that was their beliefs being witnesses.i ask my wife that and she says that isnt true.does it differ from congregation to congregation or is someone trying to cover up something?
no, ofc not. there are jw's that have been to college - many went before they came in. not that many born-ins or raised-as go though. the point that he is making is that if your son is raised as a jw, higher education will not be a priority dictated for him by the congregation. at meetings, at assemblies, in the magazines, etc. they will constantly talk down about going to college. in some cases he will even hear directly that college is not for true christians. it's really sick.
i know in my case, for years and years i heard how bad college was, only weak people went to college, all the evils of university, etc. then in the mid 1990s they did a flipflop, saying they "never said that". bullshit - i was there, i heard it. i even turned down a scholarship to a prestigious school because the WTS didnt think that going to college was a good idea.
QFR feb 15th 2010 - lets be honest , we haven't got a clue...
by dozy inthe questions from readers feb 15th 2011 raises the (no doubt burning in many jws minds) question about why moses became angry with aarons 2 sons after the death of their brothers.. the wtbts undertakes to answer this question but really doesn't seem unsure of themselves (perhaps the channel of communication was suffering some interference that day.
) notice the numerous ways that the wtbts in a short (half page) article hedges its bets.
it reminded me of a schoolboy cooking up a story when he was caught with his hands in the cookie jar , vacillating & hedging as he tries to think up an acceptable answer.. it appears that , the surviving priests had evidently acted , aaron may have wondered , perhaps he felt , aaron mayespecially have reasoned , aaron may have thought , moses seems to have accepted , evidently, jehovah too was satisfied.. .
who the hell would EVER ask that question? what it should say:
q: why did moses become angry with aaron's 2 sons after the death of their brothers?
a: who the #@$# (read: fig) cares?
Interesting observation?
by booby inin the february watchtower a word search to the pdf found only two references to "faithful and discreet slave" and zero yes zero to governing body.. not sayin much effort is required to find lottsa goofy stuff, but just surprised.
they must be reading and diseminating this web site..
until i went to college i had no idea that the 'leading group' of a corporation is called the 'board of directors' or the 'governing body' ... interesting eh?
shunning is love - Feb 15 2011 Watchtower
by jj123jj123 in18 if you face a similar situation, please remember that jehovah sympathizes with you.
by cutting off contact with the disfellowshipped or disassociated one, you are showing that you hate the attitudes and actions that led to that outcome.
however, you are also showing that you love the wrongdoer enough to do what is best for him or her.
>> One individual who was disfellowshipped and was later reinstated wrote: “I am happy that Jehovah loves his people enough to see that his organization is kept clean. What may seem harsh to outsiders is both necessary and really a loving thing to do.” <<
I bet that was the legendary 'Andre' ... that guy really gets around
Why don't JWs celebrate Thanksgiving
by levicolemagic inmy first post here.
i wrote this little article about why jws don't celebrate thanksgiving.. check it out here: http://hubpages.com/hub/what-jehovahs-witnesses-believe.
let me know what you think of it.. god bless.
it's simple .. the indians weren't pyramidologists ... so therefore, they were evil apostates