my wife became a witness a few yrs after we had gotten married and i was wondering if the jw's believe that they should not socialize with people who are not jw's?i had some neighbors when i was younger and their kids who were close to my age said that that was their beliefs being witnesses.i ask my wife that and she says that isnt true.does it differ from congregation to congregation or is someone trying to cover up something??
do the jw'swant you to not associate non jw's
by not a jw 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hell yeah! Of course they don't want you to associate with outsiders. It's the same in every congregation and, yes, it's one of their dirtiest secrets. The higher ups want to control every aspect of peoples lives they possibly can. Stick around... you'll find out even dirtier secrets than that...
Welcome BTW.
Welcome to the board! Stick around and you will learn alot about what they do, etc....
People who are not JW's are "worldly" people. All worldly people are bad association who spoil useful habits. 1 Corinthians 15:33, we drum that into our children from a very early age.
not a jw
we have had so many problems since she has become a jw between her and i.i use to blame it on the jw's because of what i heard about them while i was growing up but she would deny that the jw's had any part of this.then i started to think the beleifs have nothing to do with the way she i am starting to go back to my old thoughts again that this is part of the problem.she pretty much has disassociated my family and so dam strict with my 8 year old son and so overprotective of him.that has always been a big problem between us.she became a jw a year after my son was born.
who runs the show in these kingdom halls is it the elders?and are they all men?
The show is run by the "Governing Body", currently 8 "annointed" men in Brooklyn New York. The rules are enforced in local congregations by a body of elders, all men.
not a jw
what is the deal with the watchtower?is that just a publication made by jw's?they say they read the bible but it looks diffferent to me than the bible i was growing up with...king james version. wannabefree were you a jw at one time?
It isn't a rule not to associate with family. It is the witness mentality. Read about it here, there are so many threads on this site full of the reality of the JW experience. Check out for accurate facts on subjects JW's try to avoid or use double talk to avoid the subjects. has great info and experiences too.
The Witness indoctrination changes a person's beliefs, goals, interests ... they really have very little in common with non-witnesses, the mentality of a witness is to try to preach or witness to "worldly" people ... but to keep a distance socially so as not to be drawn into their worldly ways.
I still am. I became one 25 years ago at the age of 19. I woke up to the reality of it about 10 months ago. It was very traumatic. I currently attend meetings and try to teach my children things while I can. If I were to leave, my baptized children would have absolutely no association with me.
not a jw
u woke up to the reality of what exactly??