Since some have expressed curiosit in the subject of satanic worship, this will be a running repository of current issues involving satanic cults.
JoinedPosts by Weeping
Satanism watch
by Weeping insince some have expressed curiosit in the subject of satanic worship, this will be a running repository of current issues involving satanic cults..
Sitting on the believe or not to believe, that is my dilemma.
by tootie ini was raised by a "strong" jw single mother.
she was very very strict but i loved her then and always will.
after the death of my mother i waivered back and forth with my spirituality only because this was my first chance of "freedom" and being in the world to do things that i never really got to do.
I know EXACTLY how you feel. I would think very carefully before making any decision. There are some faults within the organisation but it's minor compared to the satanism and rampant drug use in the world. Are you married? If not finding a decent mate amongst the world is nearly impossible. Wife swapping and casual sex are the norm these days. It's depressing.
The reality of Satan worship
by Weeping ina fascinating video that adresses the reality of satanism.
for those who doubt what i've said about my experiences with satanic cults.. .
this was done by one of the most repected investigative journalists working today.
A fascinating video that adresses the reality of satanism. For those who doubt what I've said about my experiences with satanic cults.
This was done by one of the most repected investigative journalists working today. So even the news organisations are taking this seriously.
Just don't know what to do.
by Weeping ini disagree on some doctrine with the organisation.
yet, i also know these are the kindest,most loving people on earth.
such people must be guided by the holy spirit.
Today, at almost any "heavy-metal'' rock concert one can hear the audience being exhorted to rape and murder in the name of Satan. Lyrics such as the following are typical:
"We come bursting through your bodies
Rape your helpless soul
Transform you into a creature
Merciless and cold
We force you to kill your brother
Eat his blood and brain
Shredding flesh and sucking bone
Till everyone's insane
We are pestilent and contaminate
The world Demonic legions prevail"
"DEMONS" by Rigor MortisAny loving parent today would be horrified and shocked to learn that their sons and daughters are eagerly listening to such evil. Perhaps though, some may think privately, "If only we could return to the 'good old days,' with the music of the Beatles." Little do most people suspect that it was with those innocent-looking Beatles, that most of the trouble started.
Modern electronic-rock music, inaugurated in the early 1960s, is, and always has been, a joint enterprise of British military intelligence and Satanic cults. On the one side, the Satanists control the major rock groups through drugs, sex, threats of violence, and even murder. On the otherside, publicity, tours, and recordings are financed by record companies connected to British military intelligence circles. Both sides are intimately entwined with the biggest business in the world, the international drug trade.
The so-called "rock stars" are pathetic puppets caught in a much larger scheme. From the moment they receive their first recording royalties, the groups are heavily immersed in drugs. For example, much-admired "stars'' such as John Lennon of the Beatles and Keith Richard of the Rolling Stones, were heroin addicts. Richard had to obtain blood transfusions, replacing his entire heroin-laced blood supply, in order to get a visa to enter the United States.
Just don't know what to do.
by Weeping ini disagree on some doctrine with the organisation.
yet, i also know these are the kindest,most loving people on earth.
such people must be guided by the holy spirit.
I am 56.
I don't find satanism cool. I find it terrifying. I see the signs and realise there are many hidden satanists among us. Some of them even attend church, hold jobs etc. There is a man and woman living a few houses down from me. I'm convinced they are practicing satanists.
Just don't know what to do.
by Weeping ini disagree on some doctrine with the organisation.
yet, i also know these are the kindest,most loving people on earth.
such people must be guided by the holy spirit.
Outlaw, keep your smart comments to yourself.
Just don't know what to do.
by Weeping ini disagree on some doctrine with the organisation.
yet, i also know these are the kindest,most loving people on earth.
such people must be guided by the holy spirit.
Ak-Jeff, you said most people have never met a stan worshipper. I disagree. You may not be aware that you met one, but you most certainly have met one.
Just don't know what to do.
by Weeping ini disagree on some doctrine with the organisation.
yet, i also know these are the kindest,most loving people on earth.
such people must be guided by the holy spirit.
A few more words on this. Why do I think Satan worship is so attractive to people? Well, the devil can give a person many things. Money, power, career success, sexual gratification. When you have the opportunity for these things it's very easy to think only short term. The people engaging in this seem like good decent people. So it's easy to think whats the harm in engaaging in Satan worship? You see what I mean?
Just don't know what to do.
by Weeping ini disagree on some doctrine with the organisation.
yet, i also know these are the kindest,most loving people on earth.
such people must be guided by the holy spirit.
Some of the finest folk can be found in "the world"
There are some good people. At least they are 'nice'. But what is the motivation? You would be shocked at the number of Satanists in the world. There are lawyers, businessmen, even deacons who engage is satan worship and sex perversions behind closed doors.
Just don't know what to do.
by Weeping ini disagree on some doctrine with the organisation.
yet, i also know these are the kindest,most loving people on earth.
such people must be guided by the holy spirit.
[quote]Maybe that says more about the young man you were than it does about the brothers or anybody worldly. What I don't understand is why, after 33 years, you feel a need to come here and witness to the rest of us. Do you think your sordid story will somehow inspire all of us to go back to the KH? [/quote]
I'm a woman.
I'm not here to witness by any means. I don't believe in the doctrines anymore. I do belive they lead a good life and help people so much even if their doctrine is flawed.
I know there are some worldly people who are doing good. But it's just so easy to fall into harmfull practice. My friends seemed like good people. It was fun smoking marijuana and drinking and feeling cool. But it led me down a path. Some Satan worshippers seem like good people. One man I knew even owned his own business. You just never know.