I've been unable to go anywhere near an apostate Watchtower Kingdom Hall since walking out mid-2009.
I would find the mindless deception and "pointless" busy-ness way too sickening.
so i am new to this site.. i have left the organization of my own accord.
and doing very well.. why do those of you who are still active, if you are on this site, still attend?.
it is no differance to me... i am just wondering why.... .
I've been unable to go anywhere near an apostate Watchtower Kingdom Hall since walking out mid-2009.
I would find the mindless deception and "pointless" busy-ness way too sickening.
my name was false prophet.
my address was october 1968 awake is it later than you think.
my town was this generation will by no means pass away may 15, 1984. to be honest i am going to request again but this time with my real name and address.
Hey truejw!
One of your posts made me curious as to whether you've posted your story, and what has happened to your wife.
No worries if you're not ready to share yet.
first off - for those lurkers who feel guilty just for being on this site and reading this (even if you don't read any further, as it is your right to choose that course) i want you to know that you're not alone in what you're going through or in what you are feeling.
if you read on, i hope my experience may be of some small help to you.. this may be long, but i'll try to organize it in a way that doesn't make it painful to read.
to start, i feel it is most beneficial if i'm upfront and honest with my goals from posting this, which are (in order of the degree to which they motivated me):.
I do feel for you OEJ in that it sounds as if ultimately your reasons for leaving the cult will be very different.
So helping her is a real challenge since she may feel very threatened by what you easily embrace.
Yet I do believe you can eventually have a great marriage and partnership post-cult, and find great peace in very different yet non-fundamentalist beliefs, perspectives and approaches.
the other night, i was told about a question that a friend's bible study had asked them.
the bible study asked: "if jesus is perfect, why does he need the 144,000 to help him rule?
" this friend does not know how to answer this question.
"This concept of 2 different rewards based on the arbitrary criteria of when I was born always seemed stupid to me."
Quite a profound point, tidalblitz.
(Ephesians 4:4-6) ". . .One body there is,
and one spirit,
even as YOU were called in the one hope to which YOU were called;
one Lord,
one faith,
one baptism;
one God and Father of all [persons],
who is over all and through all and in all."
this article seems to read as if written by someone who is at least half awake.. your thoughts?.
"Family worship" Bye bye birdie.
Very interesting point and description Vidiot.
I wonder if it is fair to say that under such circumstances as you have described, normal persons would eventually experience a psychotic break, whereas Watchtower hardliners instead hide, cultivate and project their destructive toxicity, insanity and dysfunction?
i realize some people feel they can't just leave the religion.
they have family, friends, position.. some elders mistakenly believe that they might be able to reform the cult from within.
the truth is, the religion is never really going to change.
Dear minimus
I think you may have missed Revelation 18:4 in the RNWT:
"And I heard another voice out of heaven say: 'Get [reforming] her, my people, if YOU do want to share with her in her greatness, and if YOU want to receive part of her blessings.' "
this article seems to read as if written by someone who is at least half awake.. your thoughts?.
*** w95 10/15 p. 31 Watch Out for Self-Righteousness! ***
We must avoid a superior attitude, the habit of judging others, and blind zeal based on human wisdom.
As we “watch out” for Pharisaic attitudes, instead of judging others as self-righteous, it would be better to focus on our own tendencies and inclinations. True, Jesus judged the Pharisees and condemned them as “offspring of vipers” deserving of eternal destruction.
this article seems to read as if written by someone who is at least half awake.. your thoughts?.
*** w95 10/15 p. 31 Watch Out for Self-Righteousness! ***
Extreme zeal can also deprive us of tact, empathy, and tenderness, which are vital in our dealings with others.
this article seems to read as if written by someone who is at least half awake.. your thoughts?.
*** w95 10/15 p. 31 Watch Out for Self-Righteousness! ***
Self-righteousness and zeal are often interrelated. The apostle Paul spoke of religiously inclined Jews as having “zeal for God; but not according to accurate knowledge; for, because of not knowing the righteousness of God but seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God.” (Romans 10:2, 3) As a Pharisee, Paul himself had been extremely zealous, though his zeal was misguided, not based on Jehovah’s righteousness.—Galatians 1:13, 14; Philippians 3:6.
Appropriately the Bible admonishes: “Do not become righteous overmuch, nor show yourself excessively wise. Why should you cause desolation to yourself?” (Ecclesiastes 7:16) In the congregation a Christian may start out conscientious, but his conscientiousness and zeal can degenerate into self-righteousness. When guided by human wisdom rather than by Jehovah’s righteousness, religious zeal can hurt others. How?
this article seems to read as if written by someone who is at least half awake.. your thoughts?.
*** w95 10/15 p. 31 Watch Out for Self-Righteousness! ***
Self-righteousness may also promote the view that if a Christian is undergoing many personal difficulties, he must be spiritually deficient.