An important principle I try to remember and observe when trying to help JWs is: "do not come near or touch their idols".
(Doctrine, God's name, GB, FDS, Elders, and so on...)
some of this will be repeat, since it's been a little while since i posted about my "bible study" sessions with miss k, my elderette.
we are talking about the name of jehovah.
thanks for talking with us today.
An important principle I try to remember and observe when trying to help JWs is: "do not come near or touch their idols".
(Doctrine, God's name, GB, FDS, Elders, and so on...)
some of this will be repeat, since it's been a little while since i posted about my "bible study" sessions with miss k, my elderette.
we are talking about the name of jehovah.
thanks for talking with us today.
Wow Faithful Witness!
What patience, stamina, persistence and love.
Personally I'm not as well resourced and have no choice but to seek out ways to save time and energy.
To that end I would get them to agree to sessions where we research answers to questions on the liberating gospel of grace in their own Watchtower library which does contain a lot that a believer can agree with and that JW should get to know about.
And of course one imagines the possibility of making much more headway by instead agreeing with their current publications which they idolise.
JWs claim to be Christians. Yet they have no idea what the gospel is. This is like a motorcar salesman that has no idea that a Ford is a motorcar!
Personally I would ask them to explain to me what the gospel is in one word, maybe even in writing.
Then I would help them use the great search facility in their own Watchtower library.
They would then discover that the gospel is a message.
Suggested (sentence scope) searches:
Then I would help them identify the 30 or more ingredients or components of this message, one-by-one, in their own Watchtower library. Of course after first asking them to list as many ingredients as they could in writing.
I would use objective, "innocuous" and viewpoint questions as much as possible.
For example:
Simple (sentence scope) Watchtower library searches can be used to support this process:
Only once we have covered around 30 ingredients, over several weeks, would I consider moving to more meaty topics such as:
forgive me if this has been posted before by somebody else but i am outraged by the wt study edition for sep 15 2014 and the study article about remembering those in full-time service.
some choice quotes:.
of course, some have circumstances that do not allow them to share in the ministry full-time at this point.
Greetings thedog1
Going door-to-door to teach religion (proselytising), instead of the liberating gospel of grace (evangelising) is morally reprehensible at best, and apostasy at worst.
(Matt 23 esp v15. Also search "legalism" and "experiment that failed" and "custodial function" in the Watchtower library.)
Why is it that the gospel (according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms) can be found in the Watchtower library, but not in the hearts nor on the lips of those who follow the Watchtower hierarchy and organisation?
How do they manage to call themselves "publishers of the Good News" whilst ignorant of it, and whilst promoting its very opposite?
this is a very strange thing for me to do.
i have been an active witness for over 25 years.
i currently serve as an elder and i conduct the watchtower study.
Best wishes on the journey thedog1.
Great news that you've been able to step down and stay calm and steady.
It is possible to be true to yourself and still maintain positive relationships in the family with most people if you can create a warm, loving and supportive space where it is OK to agree to disagree. Even the Watchtower literature will support following one's conscience instead of the traditions of men.
today he kept bumping in to (or rather dodging and weaving from) fellow witnesses.
he's talking about returning but can't figure out a way to do it without enduring a fair amount of humiliation.
i did not panic.
One wonders how he would feel if he realised to what extent the Watchtower has betrayed his trust, and as Blondie said, if he could see the rotten core, particularly in the hierarchy...
It seems a question to ask may be, what makes "right brain" dominant individuals leave for good, and guilt free too?
(So called "right brain" thinking = intuitive, thoughtful, and subjective. So called "left brain" thinking = logical, analytical, and objective. Source.)
today he kept bumping in to (or rather dodging and weaving from) fellow witnesses.
he's talking about returning but can't figure out a way to do it without enduring a fair amount of humiliation.
i did not panic.
Personally I believe there may be merit in understanding and dealing with the addiction mechanics involved, from a Psychological and Pneumatological perspective.
today he kept bumping in to (or rather dodging and weaving from) fellow witnesses.
he's talking about returning but can't figure out a way to do it without enduring a fair amount of humiliation.
i did not panic.
I wonder if it might help him and us if there was more detail or clarity on:
funny interchange last night on youtube made me laugh hard:.
I'm getting a strong feeling that the apostate Watchtower council of Popes will soon regret this latest brainwave of theirs.
Somebody get that domain just as soon as *.orgy is available!
all my family members and friends (that include some elders) advised me to divorce my wife whose only joy was to pick up fight with me for everything i do, except my grand-mother who said: when you married her, you looked for only her good pointher regular pioneering despite having an opposing family.
for being good, you will ultimately reap something far better through her.
stick on to her.
Hearing the voice of God means something very different to the physical versus spiritual man.
Thank you for sharing exWTslave.
the thread about satan in the abyss for 1000 years prompts a question.. jesus will rule for 1000 years.. jesus began ruling in 1914, which means his 1000 year reign will end in 2914.. satan will be abyssed for 1000 years.. if the end comes in 2020, satan will be abyssed in 2020, and then released in 3020.. what happens between 2914 and 3020?.
honest question..
These days I hold views in this space lightly.
What if Jesus actually started ruling 10 days after his ascension (Pentecost 33 AD)?
Does it make sense to be rigid about these matters when time becomes relative in 4D (just one level above our 3D world)?
What happens to time in the 5D to 11D space and beyond?
(Reference: Michio Kaku, his videos, and his writings, such as "Hyperspace")