There are several Psychiatrists who are/were to varying degrees involved with anti-psychiatry, that will give you all the cons of taking addictive and synthetic medicines.
Some names that come to mind: Peter Breggin, Thomas Szasz, Ronald Laing, Al Siebert, and Courtenay Harding.
Some of their books may also be useful.
Depression is serious enough to demand pro-active and professional attention.
Professionals that may be able to help with alternative therapies and medicines: Psychologist, Naturopath, Exercise Physiologist, and so on...
Integrative Medicine recognises that there are multiple dimensions to health and illness, along with many different types of medicine. This is reflected in the body-mind-spirit-social model.
Exercise is medicine (aerobic more so than anaerobic), laughing is medicine, sex is medicine, fruit and vegetables are medicine, quality sleep is medicine, and so on...