Our JW past is not inescapable.
I was RBNS for around 40 years, and now SBNR for around 10.
Complete opposites.
Like a sex-change.
Almost all Watchtower thinking and identity cleaned out.
this might be my last post.
i've had quite a few things on my mind over the past few years, mainly my belief in god.
i've tried to move on from the jw past but that's really being foolish.
Our JW past is not inescapable.
I was RBNS for around 40 years, and now SBNR for around 10.
Complete opposites.
Like a sex-change.
Almost all Watchtower thinking and identity cleaned out.
i absolutely love watching the animal channel and just observing the animal kingdom has really brought up some serious questions for any devout anti-gay religions such as born-again christians(bacs) and jws.
some animals such as deers practice lesbianism when there is no male deer around.
i almost fell out of my chair when watching this.
Born Again Christians
Spiritual But Not Religious
Religious But Not Spiritual
this might be my last post.
i've had quite a few things on my mind over the past few years, mainly my belief in god.
i've tried to move on from the jw past but that's really being foolish.
Change for the better is a process, not an event.
Good help can go a long way.
Many good Psychologists (including some who have escaped and healed from cults).
One in a million good Psychiatrists (like Peter Breggin).
What about compartmentalising your life, in a healthy way, and only talking JW and cult with those like us here who genuinely have a reason to understand and be interested?
for some reason i am not able to log in to my account so i have created this one instead.. as many of you may know i am a disfellowshipped gay.
here was my story for those who dont:.
Hi Timothy, and welcome back.
She is definitely the one that needs to change.
It is not your job or anyone's to change another person, but maybe rather to invite them to develop a more full and rich perspective on life, with the view to growth.
Maybe she needs to research the answers to some questions so that she can form views that are her own for the first time in her life?
Why do JWs call themselves "publishers of the Good News"?
How long have you been a "publisher of the Good News"?
Do you love "the truth of the Good News"?
How many times does the NWT refer to "Good News"? (152)
How many of these are by Paul? (85)
How do you explain being unfamiliar with the "Good News" according to Paul?
BTW, she can't be allowed to indefinitely detract from your happiness, health and peace, or to indefinitely remain ignorant.
i absolutely love watching the animal channel and just observing the animal kingdom has really brought up some serious questions for any devout anti-gay religions such as born-again christians(bacs) and jws.
some animals such as deers practice lesbianism when there is no male deer around.
i almost fell out of my chair when watching this.
BACs would vary widely in their views depending especially on whether they are SBNR or RBNS.
For an aternative BAC perspective: http://biblehouseofgrace.com/same%20sex%20relationships.html
what would think???
later he sent eve to earth....
Personally I have come to believe in "one hope" which includes access to all the 11 dimensions in Hyperspace which Physicists like Michio Kaku are telling us about, and which he also relates to the Kardashev scale, in his books "Physics of the Future" and "Hyperspace".
i think as black&white thinking becomes lesser governments will start makeing laws that will put cults open for more lawsuits.
what do you think..
The Watchtower is right - their religion is a snare and a racket, and should be prosecuted under the RICO Act.
apostate & ex-jehovalarious meme collection.
Watchtower-Free, it seems from this post that the quality of your work fools even exJWs.
I wonder what would happen if it got into the wrong I mean right hands...
with the unveiling of the new jw logo, and all of the emphasis placed on it , will the borg dare to put it on a flag?
i hope they do!
imagine all whom would wake up with such an act!
Surely some pretend sycophant somewhere can sell this lovely idea to the GB...
i'll wager that the number is close to 100 percent.
what number?
the number of jws who have lists--lists of things that make them go hmmm or even wha'???
Wow that was very revealing and cathartic - I didn't realise just how long the list was before the tipping point was reached - ouch - and thank you for a great thread FHN.
I had also managed to forget that their was so much darkness and error I was aware of even prior to the lights coming on fully.
Very interesting and potentially useful concept for helping loved ones. I believe you are right about 100% (of JWs having such a hidden or secret list).