The Golden Calf (JW.org) can run but not hide from its colourful past...
rutherford's book "enemies" 1937: "will great britain and america become fascist under catholic control?
the scriptures and the facts support that conclusion.
" where do you hide the bethel family from fascist catholics?.
please help with this: when i was in college, there was a lot of talk about university and how all who pursue that are wasting their time and all that.
even before going to uni, there was a lot of pressurr on me concerning my decision.
during that time, two elders sat with me for appointment as ms and asked me if i have freedom of speech in the org since i'm going to uni and i said no.
Maybe something like: "I'm leaving this matter in Jehovah's hands for now and request you do the same."
And always remember to NEVER touch their IDOLS (GB, Org, FDS, and so on) if you do not want to be "killed" (df'd).
found this over on one of the jw sites.. .. stained glass.
jehovahs witnesses assembly hall, montreal,.... .. .. petra.
Great piece of art.
However it must be tricky to move into a glass house if you've been throwing stones for the last 100 years...
just had a two hour conversation with my father.
he is insistent that he will be able to enter the kingdom of god as a member of the 'great crowd'.
he did agree that only the annointed are declared righteous.
Hey Perry, I wonder what your father's thoughts would be on "imputed righteousness", although reading up on this in the Watchtower library introduces one to the convoluted morass of the Watchtower two class system.
*** w74 10/1 p. 599 par. 21 Settling the Issue of Ownership ***
The righteousness that God imputes to one through one’s faith in and acceptance of Christ’s ransom sacrifice is spoken of as a “free gift.” (Rom. 5:15-17; 6:23)
found this over on one of the jw sites.. .. stained glass.
jehovahs witnesses assembly hall, montreal,.... .. .. petra.
Great, or not so great, it seems our minds think alike Listener...
found this over on one of the jw sites.. .. stained glass.
jehovahs witnesses assembly hall, montreal,.... .. .. petra.
*** w69 10/15 p. 632 When You First Go to a Kingdom Hall ***
Thus such religious appendages that are not in accord with Bible truth are not displayed at the Kingdom Hall, thus avoiding that which takes away from the worship “with spirit and truth.”
In this vein, you will also observe that there are no stained-glass windows, as in many churches, to help create a hushed aura of artificial sanctity.
jesus had nothing to say - for or against, homosexuality.
yet in his name, ignorant 'christian' parents will shun their children.
and jesus does not interfere.
Very interesting observations matt2414.
The Watchtower is not the sole purveyor of so-called "Christian" - but actually apostate - legalism and moralism, which foments ignorance, hypocrisy, bigotry and supremacist self-righteousness.
Search wt lib:
An alternative perspective: http://biblehouseofgrace.com/same%20sex%20relationships.html
meeting with my congregation elders today.. going to tell them about the things i discovered about c.t russell.
(astrology, racism, ect.
) i don't know how to present this information or what to say.
We often try to speak for God on which prayers he does/doesn't, can/can't answer, and why.
Maybe a little presumptuous?
At any rate, I believe like Ray Franz that God rises far above any particular religious organisation or ideology, and is not guided even by their mere existence.
been lurking here for yyyyyeeeeears, but was too busy with school, jw life and other interests.
now that i'm done with education for the time being anyway, plus the jw life is under pretty good control, i can spend some time and throw my views here and there in some attractive topics.. born-in, and deeply indoctrinated, but with life experience came better comprehension of my lot in life and have come to accept that, just like the family one is born into, jws are my family, friends, my ultimate and overall identity.
a jw is what i am; like the song 'hotel california', and like so many on this board, check out anytime you'd like but one could never leave.. remember like it was yesterday the failed 'the wolf is coming' calls of 1975, mid-80s, late 90's, y2k, 2004 or so, and same will be with the latest effort to get people overly excited about 'the end'.
Welcome Gustv Cintrn.
What Good News that the (materialistic and legalistic) Watchtower virus is not (always) able to (totally) stamp out authentic community, culture and humanity.
I was blown away recently to discover that there are more native Spanish speakers than native English speakers (worldwide)!
We're delighted you are here - please stay and share.
meeting with my congregation elders today.. going to tell them about the things i discovered about c.t russell.
(astrology, racism, ect.
) i don't know how to present this information or what to say.
Hugs for you and your husband, LennaB.
"Please rember this is fairly new to me and I was taught this from a young age... I just turned twenty this year only a few months ago.."
Time is on your side.
Take a deep breath.
Have your favourite drink.
Slow down.
Calm down.
Be grateful (for waking up so early in life).
It is a process - not an event.
You do not have to figure it all out today.
It should be an exciting journey of discovery.
Yes, we've all been lied to, but are now free.
It can be a bit of a shock to discover that our "trusted leaders" are simply blind fools.
We are partly to blame.
(Psalm 146:3) . . .Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.
Instead of listening, obeying and being blessed, what did we do?
We allowed a small group of men to claim God had appointed them over us (read clergy class or clericalism).
We allowed them to insert themselves as self-appointed middlemen (read clergy class or clericalism).
By refusing to deal direct, we rejected God in favour of a VISIBLE Golden Calf (read clergy class or clericalism).
One day your future self will smile and laugh at much of the fuss and confusion your present self is dealing with.
It passes.
Clarity and peace takes its place.
Now back to the beginning...
Take a deep breath...
Have your favourite drink...
Slow down...
Calm down...
Greetings Fernando