Do you think you and your wife could find clarity, healing, peace, wholeness and common ground, if you both agreed to make a pursuit of the actual theme (or central message) of the Bible, which although in the Watchtower library, is very different from that effectively taught by the Watchtower?
It worked wonders for our family, although initially my wife thought I had become apostate.
My wife has been transformed from mindless Watchtower drone and spiritual dunce, with no voice and no opinion, to someone a tradesman elder working on our home this week was afraid of and ran away from. I am so proud of her, considering all she has been through with the Watchtower religion/ists and cult/ists.
Not only are we completely religion free, but we are enjoying a vibrant faith and spirituality, and frequently have great, passionate, in-depth and exciting discussions.
Please let us know if we can be of any help (for example by supplying a sequence of "simple" questions for research in the Watchtower library).
Our best wishes for you and your family