Hi and welcome Capstone.
There have been a fair number your age and sometimes even younger, who have awoken to the lies and falsehoods of (this) religion. On JWN they are probably the minority.
According to a PEW study though, around 2 out of every 3 brought up as JWs, no longer follow the Watchtower organisation.
Many of us wish we had also awoken at an earlier age and made better use of our youth.
It would probably be very wise to keep your thoughts to yourself when you are with religionists who are not ready or mature enough to deal with viewpoints that threaten their myopic (small) and intransigent (hard to shift) worldview or mindset.
Personally I am delighted that my awakening (although later in life) has allowed me to see how any and all religion is hostile (in varying degrees) to genuine/organic faith and spirituality based on the 5 solas (of the reformation).
Religion is about hierarchies, power, control, fear of death, clericalism, magisterium, hypocrisy, self-righteousness, works-righteousness, dogma, sectarianism, fundamentalism, irrationality, legalism, moralism, conservatism, and apostasy.
The liberating gospel of grace was designed specifically to set us free from all these things (and is therefore surreptitiously resisted and obfuscated by religion/ists).
At any rate, I wish you wisdom, success, prosperity and happiness on life's challenging journey.
South East Queensland, Australia