Hi Timothy, and welcome back.
She is definitely the one that needs to change.
It is not your job or anyone's to change another person, but maybe rather to invite them to develop a more full and rich perspective on life, with the view to growth.
Maybe she needs to research the answers to some questions so that she can form views that are her own for the first time in her life?
Why do JWs call themselves "publishers of the Good News"?
How long have you been a "publisher of the Good News"?
Do you love "the truth of the Good News"?
How many times does the NWT refer to "Good News"? (152)
How many of these are by Paul? (85)
How do you explain being unfamiliar with the "Good News" according to Paul?
BTW, she can't be allowed to indefinitely detract from your happiness, health and peace, or to indefinitely remain ignorant.