Interesting questions, Prisca. I dated while in school, and really enjoyed it. My parents studied off and on with the JWs until I was out of high school. As a result, I dated both Witnesses and non-Witnesses. After getting out of high school, I became a JW, and only dated a few Witness females. As we know, the Witnesses view dating as a means to marriage, thus the fun of dating and getting to know others was reduced for me because of the Tower's expectation.
I married a Witness when I turned 22. We dated for about 6 months, and did some heavy petting before the marriage, but we didn't actually have sex. During the 21 year marriage, I don't believe my partner ever had an orgasm. NO KIDDING! I tried everything I could think of, read the books, you name it. During the entire marriage we never had fun with sex--she just didn't like it. Who knows if the Tower's view had anything to do with it or not?
I was an elder when the Tower's bedroom inquisition hit the fan. I still remember giving talks during the Service Meetings about the proper type of sex between married couples. All of this from a elder who never really got it on with his spouse! Oh yes, it keeps getting better when I was on a committee.
One of the sisters reported she had a problem--she enjoyed oral sex with her non-Witness spouse. Would you believe the other elders on the committee wanted to disfellowship her. I talked them into private reproof (arguing it was her husbands fault). I spoke with her after the meeting saying I didn't think she needed to report any more bedroom activity to the committee. I said something about this being new light, and we were still trying to sort things out.
So there I was hearing a sister telling about the fun and joy she was having with her spouse, and we were putting her on private reproof. At the time I was also thinking how wonderful it would be to have sex with a partner who enjoyed it. There we were reproving her because of the Tower's craziness, and I'm wishing I had her so-called problem.
My wife and I divorced after 21 years. I was no longer a Witness at this time, and shortly thereafter dated again. It was great knowing females enjoyed sex, too. I re-married, and it's wonderful having a healthy sex life.
Does the Tower's view of dating and sex influence the happiness and mental health of Witnesses? I vote YES. I don't live in Florida, so my vote should count.
Edited by - JAVA on 20 December 2000 16:28:27