Examples of the lies.....??? Specific documentation of "apostate" statements to loyal dubs designed to cause them to falter in their ill founded faith? Its been said so many times...if faith is that shallow that it cannot withstand scrutiny, it is useless....
Posts by tiki
"Gem from the November 2019 WT. Reject apostate material because JWs trust in "their brothers."
by Daniel1555 indear friends.
i didn't post for a while, but i still enjoy the great jwn community.. just wanted to share a "gem" from the november 2019 study watchtower.. paragraph 8 from the article "are you maintaining your large shield of faith?".
satan, “the father of the lie,” uses those under his control to spread lies about jehovah and about our brothers and sisters.
Ladies and Gents.... Domestic violence!
by Theonlyoneleft indomestic violence in the “tooth”... is this a thing?!.
you are starting to know me by now as i’m always full of questions... my clogs are always in motion and never stop... so another question for you to give me some guidance if you can.
based on pasts experience or cases you might heard of or seen, what advice could you give me in helping someone that is a jehovah witness, married with another jw but lives a marriage that is plagued by emotional domestic abuse and financial control?
The situation described is one of extreme control and emotional abuse. The victim needs to get professional help and get freed of the relationship. Until the abuser gets help and gets thinking and actions straightened out the relationship is psychologically dangerous...and could escalate to physical abuse as well. If and until that occurs the victim needs to separate from the toxicity. That may well be exceedingly difficult....the person needs a lot of help and support.
Upset and Concerned!
by The Bethelite ini'm very worried.
i just took out two slices of dave's killer bread out of the bag this morning, to make some toast.
i bought the bread almost 2 weeks ago.
Interesting...and so many products that start out good and healthful gradually lose that ....cheapening...increasing profits...lowering standards to make more money... The gluten celiac connection too. Sad to see a great bread losing its oomph.
A technical clarification re "New Scientist"
by Doug Mason inthe following is not a criticism of the wts.
i am providing this for technical clarification and my expectation for accuracy.. endnotes 43 and 45 on page 27 of the wts’s brochure, “the origin of life” refer to the new scientist periodical of 30 may 2009.. the text in the wts’s brochure does not match the text of the new scientist’s online article.
further investigation shows that the online text does not accurately replicate the text that appeared in print in the physical magazine.
Intellectual dishonesty is a hallmark of the cult.
November 2019 Watchtower - My highlights
by The Fall Guy in'the watchtower november 2019 study articles quoted below can be summed up as follows:.
the great tribulation is near, so become more entrenched in the cult by strengthening friendships with other jw's, by revealing your thoughts to them, by doing more for the org, and by refusing to listen to any upsetting reports about the org in the media or on the internet.. par.
19, page 7 - we must be determined to build and maintain strong relationships with our brothers and sisters now.
Oh those lies...oh that persecution... don't believe a word about pedophile lawsuits.....that's Satan trying to break your faith. Beyond delusional..just plain ignorant. Keep those blinders on people...and keep that money coming in.
Who In The Hell Is This Guy?
by The Bethelite ini got this pm from edgar james adams.
hello my fellow brethren!.
i am trying to educate people about the positive influence that jehovah's witnesses can have on humanity and on my local community in general!
Crazy way to drum up cash for himself......
Do You Think Trump Bares Any Responsibility For The Mass Shootings Occuring?
by minimus inwhen any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
This administration has given a big green light to hatred, racism and general bad manners. The "president" is not directly responsible for mass shootings...but indirectly fomenting a spirit of nasty. Additionally the government is in a position to tighten up firearm laws. That cannot in and of itself stop offenders from accessing weapons...but could slow it down and make it more challenging.
As long as $$$$ controls politics there will be problems. One big issue is that mental health care does not extend deep enough. Troubled people with skewed senses, guns, vitriol, and an audience....dangerous.
Genuine question
by The Fall Guy inare we about to experience very dire problems regarding male/female toilets?.
the reason i ask this question is that a very good friend (catholic, not jw) has just returned from ny and told me that he saw a public toilet which said the toilets were gender neutral and if you felt more female but you were a guy, then use the female loo, and vice versa for women who felt like a guy.
is this going to give free licence to pervs/voyeurs?
Sticky issue. If public facilities are to be gender neutral I would say that parents should accompany their children. I have more than once dived into a mens room in desperation when the line to the ladies room was more than my bladder could bear. But those were one seaters.... Now you have to be ultra vigilant with all the creeps and perverts snaking around. I like the mens/women/other option best.
Strangest JW you ever knew stories
by rickroll inwe all know/knew people in the kh that were about nuts.
tell us your strangest stories.
i will start.
LV101...the Okies.....they were hilarious!!!
by Lobsto inwell, i finally made an account.
i’ve been lurking on here for four or so years, enjoying the debates and experiences of all of you.
it really helped in that initial year after i woke up, when the frustration and betrayal felt strongest.
Wow! You are one smart guy. Keep up the good work...and get all the education you can!!