High school education in the USA has deteriorated badly. Kids graduate with a bachelor's degree from college and in some cases are no more educated than a high school grad from the 60's. I have first-hand experience from my work history...seeing reports from college grads who had poor grammar, couldn't spell or add columns of numbers. That is simply appalling. However, if the education from kindergarten thru high school does not prepare kids for the work force and adult life, college becomes a necessity.
I do not believe college is the best option for everyone though. I am a strong supporter of the trades...very good livings can be made in plumbing, electrical, construction, etc. And the physical labor is something many prefer and thrive doing.
As for the liberal thinking promoted...part of a good education is opening your mind to all ways of thinking....critical reasoning and coming to grips with personal beliefs. Narrow-mindedness is a form of ignorance...and when acted on produces poor results.