Well....with no printed literature to place and nobody really knowing what the "teachings" are anymore...fs fizzles out...so of course...the work is done!
Posts by tiki
No Need To Preach In Every Country Anymore
by pale.emperor inspeaking to a pimo from my hometown yesterday.
he told me that in the watchtower study (10 nov 2019) regarding “the great tribulation” the elder on the platform said that there’s no need for jws to preach in every country in order to fulfil the prophecy, and therefore the org has already fulfilled that prophecy.
and that there’s nothing else left to wait for now but for “the great tribulation” to come.. gasps of delight came from the audience.. has anyone else heard this?
I got a Sympathy Card in the mail
by Butterfly607 ini haven’t been to a meeting in months.
just got a sympathy card in the mail from a “sister”.
i don’t know her beyond her face.
Infuriating...that she assumes you have issues when in reality she doesn't even know you. Unless you personally shared problems with her this represents total gall and nerve and lack of good manners. And further...even if their gossip mill has churned out mental, physical, emotional anguished plaguing you..still without real knowledge of your circumstances it is appalling. But given the way they roll not surprising. Ignore it.
JW.org's new miserable picture
by neat blue dog inin the new article about the international convention in manila, the picture of the crowd is pretty telling.
they look so drained and miserable!.
The guys don't have to suit up??? Ties and dress shirts??? Whatever...it must have been the best convention ever....
If I was still PIMI, I'd be terrified
by neat blue dog injust looking at the pictures in tomorrow's wt study makes me think of the nightmares i used to have as a child.
and nowadays the pictures are sometimes more realistic, so for any who are truly mentally in, this has a terrible effect on them and even their life choices.
looking in as a pimo or pomo it seems almost comical that adults would believe in this sci-fi bible fan-fiction, but it's not funny when we remember that all ages of the r&f are being manipulated by the gb by these cheap and evil means.. .
Appalling. There are enough awful things that happen...no need to instill irrational fear of the unknown. I lived in dread as a born-in...and that anxiety is the most difficult to overcome. Crippling fear....and for what, really...
Was Paul A false Prophet?
by saorean ini ask the question on the title because there a quite a number of statements the apostle paul made about the coming of jesus and resurrection of the holy ones that never fulfilled.
1 corinthians 15: 51, 52 (nwt) : .
i tell you a sacred secret: we will not all fall asleep in death, but we will all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the blink of an eye, during the last trumpet.
However we have no idea or way of finding out as human mortals who or what is "in heaven" or when or how they got there. Its a matter of what one believes and where ones faith lies.
Dealing With Smelly People
by minimus ini can never understand why some people simply stink.they don’t smell themselves??
i knew of certain jws that had to be counseled many times because they refused to regularly bathe, wash their hair or use deodorant.
and it’s not just witnesses.
Reminds me of a cong book study we used to go to....the lady of the house insisted everyone take off their shoes prior to entering the place...she was sweet...had a basket of foot socks for people to put on...anyway someone brought their student along one week and this woman, while being appropriately clean and groomed ...Sat next to me...and the foot odor was killing. Truly awful. You can only hold your breath so long...it was awful. Amazing too that a clean person could have such putrid rank stench feet.
Dealing With Smelly People
by minimus ini can never understand why some people simply stink.they don’t smell themselves??
i knew of certain jws that had to be counseled many times because they refused to regularly bathe, wash their hair or use deodorant.
and it’s not just witnesses.
Some people suffer from an ailment that alters their chemistry causing foul body odor.....that is a difficult thing to deal with. But just plain slobs quite another. In some cases mental illness is a factor in a person not properly attending to his personal body health and hygiene.....
New member
by saorean inthis is the first of many posts from me.
i'm pimo, an overseer, somewhere in africa.
i'll hold of giving further details until i've executed my plan to leave the organization.
Welcome and congratulations for seeing through the scam and extricating yourself!
Creepy display
by neat blue dog in.
i dunno about you, but if i walked up to this display at an expo i'd be a little creeped out..
It embarrasses me to think I was ever a part of that lunatic cult. Where oh where were my parents heads...and then you get stuck because its all you know...I just pity the kids that are getting drowned in this insanity.
Publisher ID - I Saw It In Person & It Was Terrifying!
by thedepressedsoul ini'd like to start off this post by saying, we all know that the wt loves control.
it's clear by their history, their wt's, the elder arrangement and so on.
however, after witnessing and using the publish id program in person, it takes this need for control to a whole new level & it was scary.. if you've ever seen builder assist (the website program used for ldc volunteers) or the metro program, it actually looks pretty similar to that.
But why? For what reason are they maintaining such a massive database?