I like wtwizard's response....there is way too much cheap useless junk in this world. Leather shoes last, are more comfortable and look better than cheapo plastic ones for sure.
Regarding the Massachusetts initiative, I have been using my reusable shopping bags for years. What I wonder is if this ban includes the rolls of plastic bags you put your produce into.....if so shopping for fresh fruit and produce not already packaged is going to present a problem....or are they going to provide small paper bags? I am 100% for doing everything in our power to live naturally and lessen our carbon footprint....but I am not fanatical about it. Reasonable care...and a very big problem imho is the excessive wastefulness that has enveloped our culture...fomented by greedy corporations perpetually finagling to find ways to cheapen goods and hike prices....things don't last so we are on a hamster wheel of buying and trashing. That waste is not conducive to a healthy environment.