Well, the people in the really nice houses on the hill outside my town are also squatters...
God told me I could have those houses after armageddon.
why did god wage war against the cannites?deut 20:17. the wt says "consider five common questions"i'll comment on question q1.
"why were the canaanites displaced?instead of displaced i would use exterminated.the wt "the canaanites were,in a sense,squatters in a land that did belong to them.".
at babel-here god "confused the language of all the earth"and in gen.11:7,8-jehovah scathered them from there over all the the earth" so where were the canaanites to go.god scathered them,years later he exterminates them nice.. bob.
Well, the people in the really nice houses on the hill outside my town are also squatters...
God told me I could have those houses after armageddon.
armageddon is a battle in which satan unites the kings of the earth against god's appointed king, christ.. the witnesses teach that the bible uses megiddo as the "symbolic" place of gathering of all the kings of the earth, where they will try to do battle against god and his forces.. it sounds so silly to me now that god and his forces would battle satan?
if god is so powerful,wouldn't he make satan and his demons just disappear?
does god need a sword,rocket,fist,or army tanks to destroy satan?.
In my humble opinion, they spend a lot more time gleefully depicting god beating up on humans during armageddon - you know, fire from heaven, fault lines opening up, buildings falling down, people wearing headbands dying horrible deaths...
hi all, its time i stopped lurking around here.
i've been posting at jws for just over a year, i know a few names here and it looks like there is lots of good banter going on.. i am a second generation, born-in who grew up in west-central scotland.
i pioneered in edinburgh and later married and settled in berwick just south of the border.
Welcome, and I look forward to your thoughts on this board!
in todays watchtower study the picture on page 10.a family is having a study.where is the bible.any one else see this.sorry i don't have a scanner.
" enrich your prayers through bible study"jan 4-10.
Ehhh, no biggie.
They basically claim that the entire bible was written to point to the existence of the WBTS itself. I mean, if Elijah and Elisha only existed to point the way to Rutherford and Knorr, or something to that effect; and if there are verses in Revelation or Daniel that specifically point to a couple of Watchtower articles, then maybe the bible is no longer needed now that those things have come to pass.
Besides, the bible is full of Old Light.
there is a certain faith within the jw community that almost any problem can be answered by the "bulging brains" in brooklyn.
reading the awake!
regularly over a period of years has been compared to receiving a college education and one board participant here actually refers to jw researchers and writers as "celebrated scholars.".
Very nice. The blatant lies, quote mining, straw man arguments and misrepresentations in the "Life -- How did it get here? By evolution or by creation?" book really got me started on my journey out.
i wonder if everyone here who has kept up with me since i left jw's realize why i have been coming on here.
it certainly has been cool to know that some of my experiences and opinions have helped some.
i hope they know that i have been equally helped by others.. i come here primarily for me.
SixofNine - yep! Best show ever.
Jeff, sorry to hijack your thread. Carry on.
i had a brother.
his name was jon.. jon was a sweet, super sensitive guy.
also, a very tortured soul.
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing, Jeff.
i wonder if everyone here who has kept up with me since i left jw's realize why i have been coming on here.
it certainly has been cool to know that some of my experiences and opinions have helped some.
i hope they know that i have been equally helped by others.. i come here primarily for me.
Thanks Jeff. You ARE in a position to help others, whether you think you are qualified or not. And you have.
Thanks again.