In other words, he understands real life.
HOW? As part of the GB, he lives in a BUBBLE in NY where everything is taken care of FOR him! And what real life was like back in the 60s/70s is NOT how it is in 2009 - going on '10! And I don't have all the time in the world to do what HE does...nobody bends over backwards for me because I am annointed...
But you know, two years before the bottom fell out, we had a Circuit Assembly about keeping your life simple. Those who followed Jehovah's counsel have avoided so much heartache. So what about today's counsel? The "Time Left is Reduced", is our theme: Will you follow the counsel today? The way you live your life in these hard economic times, does it show you are trusting in Jehovah for your necessities? Or does it show you are trusting in yourself and your material things, and taking matters into your own hands?'
Ok...first of all, even some of those that followed Jehovah's counsel DID get caught up in that housing blowup! Had nothing to do with following a darn thing - it had to do with people living above their means!!! A lot were greedy and wanted huge homes for little money - fine. That's on THEM. But what about the everyday JW that works hard and needed a 'home' for his family...and ended up losing his JOB, so then he couldn't afford to pay for his house? Is that HIS fault? Is he accused of not listening to Jehovah's counsel? He still has to WORK...he still has to provide for his family...he can't just expect Jehovah to rain down Benjamins from the sky so he can make ends meet!! Making such a statement is actually offensive to me. I believe Jehovah supports those that support THEMSELVES...not the ones that expect him to pick up the slack.
Well, you know what, Jehovah may not LIKE the way you are.
This sounds sooooooooooooooooooo much like what the elders tell people in their JC's when they are getting DF'd (Jehovah takes his holy spirit away from you, you are dead to Jehovah, Jehovah has cleaned his house of YOU)...another 'tactic' to either suck you back IN or KEEP you where you are at. This is God he's talking about - what kind of God REALLY would say that to his people? Better yet - who made HIM Jehovah's mouthpiece??????????????????????
I saw only a glimpse of what it will probably be like at Armageddon
Really? So NO ONE knows the date when Armageddon is to come - but HE has seen what is will 'probably' be like? OOOOKKKK!! Where is the humility here - seems like he is making assumptions. What's sad is that when that assumption is dealt from the platform - it becomes 'THE word' on all...