There is a book called Toxic Parents - read it!!!! I swear, that book saved my sanity. Coming from a zealous but fake JW household, with parents who used control, manipulation, verbal and emotional abuse, and withholding affection ( who now shun me because I am DF'd) I know all toi well the pain and hurt you feel now. This site really gives you a means to speak YOUR vent and be genuine without fear. That is priceless! But I also highly recommend professional therapy. Childhood abuse is hard to overcome without help, as it comes back in others ways to haunt you...been there. I also agree with you writing your fam. I did that years ago and although I never got a response, it gave me the ability to be honest and real. It laid out to my fam that I now KNOW: I know what they did, I know that others know what they did and how they are, I know in their hearts they know they were wrong, and that Im gonna be ok andnhavw been successful in life. In the end I dont care if they are hapoy for me or not, but their abuse has NOT gone unnoticed - which is a win for me.
Your attempts at trying to chsnge their minds about TTATT is a waste of time. People who conditionally love you will onlyvsee your attempts as 'crazy' and mental. Save yourself the trouble and invest your energy into learning YOU and bettering YOU - not saving them. You cant save someone drowning if you cant swim, right?