JoinedTopics Started by stillin9
How long since you have prayed?
by LostGeneration inits been probably five years for me.
i don't miss it a bit.
i was a slacker when it came to prayer.
Has anyone here gone to the DC in Long Beach, California
by 00DAD inwas there a gb member present?
what talks did he give?
what dates did you attend?
"Jehovah, I want you to be my Master in every aspect of my life"
by stillin9 in....i am your servant.
i want you to determine how i should spend my time, what my priorities should be, and how i should use my resources and talents.".
this was in this week's watchtower, first paragraph.
Our Bible "highlights"
by konceptual99 inok, so this week the bh was from ezekiel.
the brother starts by talking about a prophecy of egypt being laid desolate for 40 years.
he then says there is no evidence in secular history that this happened.
With all the bethel closures where are they going to find replacement GBs or writers etc ?
by mP inanother post gives the stats that about 20 bethels have closed over the last 2 years.
lets assume that this continues at half the rate in another 10 years there will be few or a dozen bethels left.
if theres no bethel in spain, portugal, france, italy and they all go thru germany what chance does that give jws in those lands to ever get a chance at the big bethel in germany ?
My son was murdered today
by truman ini have been on this site daily, almost from its beginning, since i left the jws in 2001, but i have been more of a reader than a poster, as you can see from my post count.
i know few here know me, although i know many of you through reading your posts.
maybe it is not right to ask for support, when i generally stay quietly in the background of this forum, but i want only to speak a human misery of the deepest kind.
I Didn't 'Get It' at First, Until I Got There......
by AllTimeJeff inif jehovah's witnesses, which number about 7 million right now, are a small subset of the religious world today, what does that make former jw's?
as with any unique group, you have to be one to totally understand, esp if you were neck deep in it at one time.
when i first left, all i wanted to do was say the things i never had a chance to when i was in.
So anyone here went to the Zone Visit meeting?
by stillin9 inwell, i was considered spiritual enough (lol) to be given a red badge that said "special meeting, united states branch zone visit" on it!
what a privilege!
all excited, i counted down (not really but you know) to the day the meeting was going to be held on, which was the 22nd.
What will you be having for Xmas dinner?
by Pams girl inim getting rather excited!
its only 8 weeks away!
this year, for the 1st time in 6 years, we are having a proper xmas.