Many different groups of people all put into a basket!. Its's the coronavirus.. how does that sound? stupid?
Just because that is happening at the same time does not mean its the cause.. it might have contributed to the level of stress.
The protesters of police brutality... protest. some peacefully, some might be angry because they were mistreated
The angry people with primitive education... will react in a primitive manner. And this might be the trigger and their excuse to destroy.... is this the same group? not necessarily.. they might be out there with the rest.
Thieves... steal.. and this is a good opportunity for them to steal with less consequences (for them)
People with coronavirus... you bet there are out there in any of the groups
Anarchists? This is a good one. I read many people call them anarchists even regular news... a poor use of the word since there are many kinds of anarchism.... the majority of the people looting don't even know what that means... which in essence is the abolition of any hierarchical agency that is not necessary for the functioning of society... Ghandi, Tolstoy, Chomski, Thoreau all believed in some type of anarchism.
The protest is not about the George Floyd... that is the trigger... every person might have something different to protest.... what many people are tired of is the abuse of power from law enforcement....
Any interaction where a police officer goes above and beyond of what he is suppose to do is abuse of his power... a simple request for ID when there is no probable cause of any crime constitutes an abuse of power...