To be able to protect your life, your freedom and your property.
the problem is not the guns, is the education of the people.
a black person carrying a gun has an increased risk of dying of a gun wound than a white non carriyng... ironic
the problem with crime is not guns... it's economic, poverty is increased by the non protection of property.
having to ask permission to own a gun.... is that person really free?
times have changed.. owning a gun serves a different purpose than 200 years ago.
an effective justice system reduces the need to solve disputes with violence
reduction of poverty also reduces violent crime.
we don't need more laws we need more education
we don't need more guns we need better justice systems, more education, less poverty and the ability to protect your property. many taxes and fines and the banking system is approved robbery.
we are better off than 200 years ago.... but we still have a long path to walk