Dear Laverite, I was thrilled to read how you were brave enough to go against the flow and fulfill your dreams. You truly deserve the happiness you currently enjoy. I'll be looking forward to more of your posts. Your story is amazing.
Gayle, .
i wanted to say hello.
i knew i was gay.
i wanted to study and learn about everything i could.
Dear Laverite, I was thrilled to read how you were brave enough to go against the flow and fulfill your dreams. You truly deserve the happiness you currently enjoy. I'll be looking forward to more of your posts. Your story is amazing.
Gayle, .
and i'm so scared.
but, excited at the same time.
for those of you who don't know, i'm leaving my husband.
You are brave. You deserve to be happy. My best wishes to you. OLGA.
example: gravity is real.
because if 607 bce is wrong, then so is 1914 and 1918 and 1919. very simple.
so if we cannot trust secular research, then we can definitely discard the date of 607 bce.
Mentallyfree31: your post is just brilliant. I don't see how ANY Witness can read it and continue to be a Witness...
i have noticed that quite a few people here swear and use profanity.
an elder once told me this is quite common in the congregations he has been in.
i was raised in so never allowed to swear and never got into the habit.
Neither then nor now.
i've heard that "return visit" has been replaced with another term.
is this true?
if so, what is it?.
Welcome to the board, SisoNoSiso!
Mad Dawg, Snowbird, Cattails:.
for me, it's the pm system.. sylvia.
Not having figured out yet how to replace my avatar for my real face...
if jws don't have the truth; if there is no paradise earth; if there is no end of this system; if death is all there is, then what hope do we have to look forward too?.
Dear Sayitsnoso, I've believed you were sincere from the beginning and this last post sweeps any doubts I might have harboured. There's something I want to tell you: if you read my story (by clicking on my name and reading my first thread), you'll see just one example of somebody who loved the truth and Jehovah's organization very, very deeply. There are many like me on this board. It wasn't without a very tough inner struggle that many of us finally admitted the evidence. Although my research throughout these last 10 months has changed my feelings somewhat, I still believe most JWs are sincere and kind-hearted people (many don't agree and I respect their point of view). But all our hopes were based on false premises, I have no doubt of that now. At this point I consider all JW to be victims, including those in the Governing Body, although I'm willing to admit there may even be one or two who don't believe what they are teaching any more. But being sincere doesn't make them right. I fully understand your seven points. You seem to be quite open-minded and I admire you for that. You've done well joining this board. I wish you all the best. Hugs, OLGA.
Ha, ha, ha! Very good, Sylvia!
Ha, ha! Sahara, welcome to the board. Although I kind of enjoyed your other post a little bit more than this one.
Come on, we are all eagerly waiting...
if jws don't have the truth; if there is no paradise earth; if there is no end of this system; if death is all there is, then what hope do we have to look forward too?.
I like Undercover's approach; Sayitsnottrue sounds quite sincere to me. He doesn't get upset either.
Sayitsnottrue, keep it up. You're doing fine, in my opinion.