If JWs don't have the truth; if there is no paradise earth; if there is no end of this system; if death is all there is, then what hope do we have to look forward too?
What hope is there then?
by sayitsnotso 290 Replies latest watchtower bible
I love how Jehovahs Witnesses harp on the scripture "where else shall we go?"
They are the ones with their heads in the sand with the nagging doubts but just saying "what else is there?". Until they're 80 and nearly dead and they have wasted their lives. It really sickens me.
You need to ask the right questions. (I'm not saying you're a witness, just saying')
The hope of making this life be all that it can be. I have been out for almost 18 years and I am happier now than I ever was when I was in the organization.
I had a bacon cheeseburger at lunch that was to die for.
Hang in there, you'll find plenty to live for.
The truth may not be as simple as a relgion laying it out for you. Pray and read the bible, let God show you the truth.
To win the powerball lottery? At least the odds of that are measurable and provable...
I look forward to every day! I like doing things. I laugh, cry, enjoy, suffer, share, receive, etc. We can hope all day, every day, but if we don't go out and do something with our lives, then yes, it's a waste. I spent the first 45 years of my life.....waiting. Done with that.
Jesus of Nazareth, our blessed hope!
I advise getting to know HIM - not the Watch Tower version, though!
You may think when your dead that's all there is, but I know where I'm going! and I will be fully me and fully conscious. Have you researched any other beliefs at all? any other bible besides the perverted NWT? you may find without wearing the glasses of the wt your views may change.
At your earliest convenience, please read Steve Hassan's first book, 'Combatting Cult Mind Control'. You'll learn that you've been slowly indoctrinated to believe that your future is either Paradise Earth or nothing. This is a false dichotomy.