" If Jehovah's Witnesses were (are) Right..." then I lost a huge bet
JoinedPosts by kriptonian7
If Jehovah's Witnesses Were Right...
by lilbluekitty inif they (or the governing body) were right: (fill in the blank).
- the bible (even their own) would have lies in it, which would mean the whole bible would be a lie.
- jesus' blood wouldn't really save anyone (so what would be the point of him dying for us).
Why are so many JWs and exJWs unaware of the New World Order and the World Goverment?
by Infowarrior inwhy are so many jehovahs witnesses and escpecially ex-jws so unaware and ignorant of the new world order and the world goverment?
and is the watchtower a part of the new world order and the world goverment under the united nations and the vatican?
my rrsearch says this is the case.
youd think theyd be all into considering they beleive that "when the nations are claiming peace and security then sudden destruction will be upon them"
NWO screams reference to this.
BTW I feel that there are people out there that are attempting to achieve a one world government and money system. And we do get slight references to this all the time but major news sources tend to leave this types of stories alone.
The Final Nail in the Coffin of your JW Career
by jookbeard ini know there has been countless threads on this, some say the paedophile scandal, others say the blood ban, some say the conduct of their elders, others say the petty rules etc.
but there is usually one thing that seals every one's fate, tips you over the edge,finishes you off.i was fading, very closely to full inactivity, off the book study list, and very sporadic meeting attendance, which took me to the very last time i set foot in my kingdumb hall, this is what happened;.
it was the memorial of 1994, i hadn't set foot in the place for months, but thought a show at the memorial would keep the wife happy and the elders at bay for a bit longer, i drove to the hall being careful not to get there too early(the wife was already there and had saved me a seat) i walked up to my seat about mid way in the hall so a lot could see me, it was packed probably about 200 there, as i sat down ( about 3/4 mins to go) a sister in front of me turned around and said"we haven't seen you in a long time!
obviously you werent in the family that everyone sucks up to.
you noticed that too huh?
by dgp inas some of you might know by now, i am not a jehovah's witness, and never have been.
and, never will be, thanks to you and other people like you who have opened my eyes to what the society really is.
as someone who never crossed the fence, quite often i feel that i can't contribute with anything to the people who left, or who are at the fence, or who are very deep into the society and seem unreachable.
We did the same to you..
When you came Trick or Treating on Halloween..
by outlaw:
LOL my mom used to give them the little pamphelets..She'd roll them up and put a rubber band around them so they thought it was something it wasnt i guess.
We had a parent come to our house once the next day telling her not to push her religion on her children. i look back on that now and realize how pissed i would be if someone was handing our religious paraphanalia to my child as they went out. but I still found it kind of funny. The kids were so confused.
I went to the meeting today
by doublelife inso my husband dragged me to the meeting this morning.
i brought my new bible that i bought instead of the nwt and he didn't say anything about it.
in the public talk, the speaker opened to matt.
Before finding jw.net I had thought abit of going back to see what it like, this site changed my mind, thank god, ops no thanks to you all LOL
Ditto... i thought maybe as an older adult i could look upon the teaching a little more subjectively...but All i have been seeing is how much of cult it really is.
Its funny, my grand mother has been a Dub all her life and she refuses to use the NWT. She collects bibles. She has some really old ones, 100 + yrs, and she chooses to use the ones from her collection. i remeber her taking two or three with her to meetings and reading the scripture form all three like a cross reference.
It throws up red flags to me (now) that you are being forced to use their bible. With the alterations that they have made. Conveying the info they want you to hear.
Rorschach test for JWs
by 1914BS in(i think i spelt it right??).
99 out of 100 jws won't be able to spot the jest ---- why??.
because they are mentally conditioned thru 5 mind control meetings per week to ignore jests of any kind.. (the gb would never allow jests in the artwork).
weird...i remember that picture..
OOOh i got it!! the phalac buildings inthe background like in the Little Mermaid.
The Ark and shells/creatures
by wantstoleave insorry if it's been covered before..... i'm struggling with the flood.
media has reported over the years finding bits of this and that (the ark) on top of a mountain.
seashells are often found high on hills or mountains.
this is kind of odd...i, as of 3 mintues ago, just opened an emial frommy mother about a guy in the netherlands that built an Ark to the exact specifications that the bible says. he has it on display...
I have been intrigued by the possiblity of a great flood and an Ark watching shows on it and reading things on it from time to time. but seeing this email made me feel like it was just not possible. In plain terms and common sense just says that it was just not big enough to house 2 OF EVERY ANIMAL. And even if they got the main ones...elephants, zebras, lions, tigers and bears oh my.....where did all the odd ones comes from...Dodo birds, wolverines, ferrets, panthers, bob cats, that crazy think that looks like half norse half zebra, water buffalo, geez the list just goes on and on.
All it does it make me more of a beleiver of the evolutionary process.
what did you do after leaving or separating from JW's in regards to religion?
by kriptonian7 ini have been struggling to find my place.
i still consider my self christian...but the more i have been learning about my old faith, its been making me feel like i need to find something else that makes sense to me.. i know im not aethiest.
i have always felt that there was a higher power out there.. agnostic?
Its an education attending different Church services, some you will like and others you won't. They come in all flavors, from the serene and inspirational to the shocking. Its a journey, take your time.
i attended a couple of huge baptist services with my Ex (before she was) After her dad died she all of the sudden became religios. It was the most uncomfortable thing i had encountered in a while. I was not sure if it was due to the fact i was an EX jw in a Church listening to a sermon, or if it was the way the held their hands in the air closed their eyes or held their chest while they sang...maybe it was the random "AMEN!"s that were shouted from time to time and the "Hallelujah"!!
the whole thing seemed very over done and creepy if you ask me
Anyone seen Gran Torino?
by John Doe inthe new clint eastwood movie.
i watched it last night, and thought it was pretty good..
great movie...
what did you do after leaving or separating from JW's in regards to religion?
by kriptonian7 ini have been struggling to find my place.
i still consider my self christian...but the more i have been learning about my old faith, its been making me feel like i need to find something else that makes sense to me.. i know im not aethiest.
i have always felt that there was a higher power out there.. agnostic?
I made it a point to avoid any religious activity for 2 years. That included reading the bible or other religious books. I wanted to make sure any residue JW ideas were gone so that I could read without having any preconceived ideas. Since then I've studied as I pleased, and sometimes not at all. I won't allow any person or group to stand over my shoulder and tell me how things are to be interpreted. I have no obligation to any church or belief system. I'll never allow anyone to police my thoughts again.
Wow i cant even remember the last time i even held a bible. but your thoughts convey my feelings exactly...