I was dying to talk to any jw about the things I was learning while reading Steve Hassan's books. So I would test his theories on my Mom. She's a die hard jw - regular pioneer - missed my first child's birth to attend a meeting - kind of lady. I'd ask harmless questions about the latest convention or 'new light' being shared. The conversations would start out with my 'real' Mom giving her opinion, but as soon as I pushed it a bit with my questions, it was like I could see the switch flick in her. She'd puff out her chest, her eyes would kinda bulge and out would come one of those, "Jehovah will reveal in due time" comments and she was done. It was fascinating.
I slip in comments now and again to try and get her to think about stuff, but I've given up trying to save my mother, and keep my mouth shut regarding her beliefs. I try to smoother her with kindness, even when she uses the cruel, culty tactics of fear, guilt and shame. It's completely thrown her off and it's funny to watch the confusion on her face.