I want to thank everyone for the kind words of encouragement.
Something that has been on my mind as of late is that it seems religion can separate us from our humanity. What I mean is we have different sects, denominations etc that instead of bring us together seem to push us farther apart. In the grand scheme of things it should be the opposite and for some it is. But overall many of us allow the trappings of our beliefs to look down on our neighbors or to see them as "bad" because of perceived "sin". When I was a JW I felt that way. I felt that the world was going to end and there wasn't anything I could do about it but hope that those who heard "the message" would repent, yada, yada, blah, blah, blah.
In hindsight I realize that I didn't have enough faith. Not in an invisible god but rather in my fellow human beings. Religion teaches us that we're simply not good enough. It teaches us that we're all little children playing in the dirt and that we need a parent figure to guide us. Yet that parent figure can't be bothered to show up or do anything unless it suits them (not at all what one would expect from a loving parent).
It has been said on these forums that in order to have a relationship with God we must follow a set of beliefs who's correctness is often in doubt. Seems to me the best thing we can do is love one another, without regard to race, religion, nationality or whatever. It's as plain as the nose on your face, yet still people hold hatred in their hearts for those who do not share the same religious viewpoint.
One thing I do believe as far as religion is concerned is that in our quest to know if god exists we have lost faith in each other. We look to our parent figure to get us out of messes, rather than to ourselves and each other.
Jeremiah 10:23 says "that to earthling man his way does not belong, it does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his own step."
I disagree with this. Consider that more blood has been shed in the name of god than anything else. More anguish has been brought about because of god than any other single means in our history.
People say we shouldn't blame god because it is our actions that cause these problems.
Well to those I say "where is god?" When I was thirsting and hungry why did you not feed me? When innocent people were being killed by tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes etc...where was god? When my friends turned on me because I left the cult I was in, where was god to comfort me?
The only people you can depend on is yourself and each other. We often see news stories where total strangers intercede on another's behalf to give them aid. Perhaps people of differing religions, (yet that is never mentioned) offering food and shelter to the homeless and sick. Yet god can't be bothered to intercede just ONCE to prove his love for us or that even cares one bit.
These are things I haven't been able to put to rest in my own mind and I'm sure many of you have had similar questions/doubts.
I just wanted to share these thoughts and get your input and to thank you once again for all your kind words.