On the other hand I will share something I've only thought about and never shared with anyone. It causes me no end of confusion on the topic of the Bible/Judaism/Christianity.
I sometimes think that the Bible is nothing more than a history book and a collection of mythologies meant for the people of Israel only. Consider that the New Testament was written 2,000 years ago and to them the world was very small. The nation of Israel was the center of the world (in their eyes) and everything written in it is from their point of view. This makes me think of the "Book of Going Forth by Day" (The Egyptian Book of the Dead) and how all the rituals and such are written from an Egyptian viewpoint. Never does it enter into the Egyptian mind that their viewpoint is somehow flawed. Their viewpoint and commentaries are the only ones that matter to them. Such seems to be the case of the Bible. You can look at it from a strictly Israelite point of view and how everything relates to them, or you can read the scriptures and say "hey, Jesus was talking about everyone when he said "go therefore and make disciples of all the people of all the nations, etc" He was talking globally. But is this simply not an assumption on our part? I have done a lot of research into the personage of Jesus. Some say he existed, some say not. Some show similarities to the Roman God Mithra (virgin birth, 12 Apostles, rising from the dead) and say that the Chritian writers merely co-opted many already existing religions to further their own goals. There exists very little secular evidence for the person of Jesus, only the influence he had on others and second hand accounts. It's so very hard to put together the pieces of evidence and decide if he really existed at all. Outside of the Bible, there is almost no mention of Jesus at all. Yet that isn't true of other historical figures. Why is that?
Why does the Bible only exist in fragment form and not a complete set of books? I would think that if YHWH wanted us to know it all, it would be available to us, but it's not. We have copies of copies who's literary value is called into questioned by the discovery of scribal errors. Consider the Gospels were written 40 years after the death of Jesus. Who can recall events that far back with any degreee of accuracy?
Some might say his influence on the world shows that he existed. Yet that can be chalked up to how his followers spread the Gospels, usually by politics and the point of the sword (both of which Jesus opposed) and this is still being done. I've looked into the Deluge of Noah's Day and I get conclicting accounts. Not only from Theologians, but from Geologists, Botanists, etc. They all seem to have a different opinion and different "evidence." I would think that if any of it were true, there would be concrete irrefutable evidence. But there isn't. It seems that it all comes down to faith and faith alone. That is a problem for me as my exit from the WTS destroyed any faith I had and now I'm left with only questions.
I can debate a Bible topic easily enough and put forth a hypothesis based upon my own understanding of the text. But when it comes down to whether what's in the Bible is true or not then I'm left with doubt and questions. Doubt for me doesn't mean something is wrong, it simply means I haven't found the answer. I find myself arguing many times in favor of Jesus and many times against religion. I don't really have any beliefs, just a lot of ideas. I don't know if Jesus is the Son of YHWH, or YHWH himself or a flying spaghetti monster in human form. I just don't know. I do believe (the one belief I do have) there is a God. What form or how He/She interacts with us and how we are to interact in return is what baffles me.