A real conspiracy to destroy anti-cult Miviludes in France.
Therefore, a question arises that burns the lips of all our interlocutors: who wants the skin of the Miviludes? "This disintegration of the fight against cults is carried by occult influences, at the highest level of the state. The Miviludes disturbs, "says Georges Fenech. An opinion shared by former deputy Jean-Pierre Brard, also active in this fight: "Very powerful pressure groups are at work, he judges, spontaneously citing the Church of Scientology (which spent 33 millions to establish its headquarters of 7,000 square meters in Saint-Denis), Jehovah's Witnesses and anthroposophy. Born in the early twentieth century and rich in billions, this international movement with mystical-scientific hints was mentioned in 1999 in a parliamentary report on "cults and money".
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