Dear Concerned Citizen,
Americans everywhere are getting “sticker shock” at the gas pump as prices have breached $4 and are on their way to $5 a gallon.
But it’s not just gas prices!
According to The Wall Street Journal (April 12), cotton is up 40%, oil is up 20%, and wheat is up 10% . . .since January 1!
And yet the U.S. government says inflation is NOT a problem. They cite an almost meaningless metric known as "core inflation" which is almost ZERO. However, this “core inflation” excludes the price of gas and food — the two most essential items for the average American to purchase on a daily basis!
We don’t believe this and neither should you!
Newsmax’s Financial Publisher, Aaron DeHoog, put together a shocking video that you NEED to watch.
It details how Milton Friedman, the Nobel Prize winning economist and Ronald Reagan adviser, predicted the loose money printing polices being implemented by Obama and Bernanke will send America into economic cataclysm.
I must caution you, the video is controversial.
You will likely be offended by some of the FACTS he exposes. But right now, you don’t need pampering or fluff. You need the truth, no matter how hard it may be to swallow.
In it, DeHoog reveals how Milton Friedman and Ronald Reagan tackled runawayinflation, high unemployment, and a record-breaking debt.
But more importantly, he gives you a blueprint on how to protect your wealth and keep your nest-egg SAFE.
To watch the video, click here now