I've lived across the street from a Mormon Church for over a year and they've never been here.
Dubs show up every few weeks and I don't know where they meet.
does god command christians to go from door to door preaching the gospel?.
based on a quick reading and misinterpretation of acts 20:20, many believe that the apostle paul preached the gospel of the kingdom from house to house, to those who were unconverted.
I've lived across the street from a Mormon Church for over a year and they've never been here.
Dubs show up every few weeks and I don't know where they meet.
does god command christians to go from door to door preaching the gospel?.
based on a quick reading and misinterpretation of acts 20:20, many believe that the apostle paul preached the gospel of the kingdom from house to house, to those who were unconverted.
Today the last genetic remnants of the "Lost Tribes" along with some heathen and SOME paganized x-tians I see being gathered for an anti-typical Exodus and are identified by the REAL names of the Creator and His Messiah, as a sign and a seal, and who keep their commands - ie - the Tanakh that explains the Messianic Epistles and vice versa. In this way, "ALL ISRAEL is going to be SAVED." But the nations and their religious inhabitants "will rage" because "they have not a love of the truth that they might be saved." And when the carnage is over, "Law will go forth from Zion(Jerusalem) and from New Moon to New Moon and Sabbath to Sabbath, all nations will come to worship the King and observe the "Feast of Tabernacles." And any who do not, YAHWEH The Creator will cause no rain on their land. Zechariah 14:18, Isaiah 66:23, Revelation 14:1, 12:17, Romans 11:26, 2Thesalonians 2:10, Psalm 46:6
does god command christians to go from door to door preaching the gospel?.
based on a quick reading and misinterpretation of acts 20:20, many believe that the apostle paul preached the gospel of the kingdom from house to house, to those who were unconverted.
And did you ever read about the Scythians in Colossians 3:11? These were not pagans.
(James 1:1) From: Ya‘akov, a slave of God and of the Lord Yeshua the Messiah
To: The Twelve Tribes in the Diaspora:
does god command christians to go from door to door preaching the gospel?.
based on a quick reading and misinterpretation of acts 20:20, many believe that the apostle paul preached the gospel of the kingdom from house to house, to those who were unconverted.
Freydo - I am not really sure what your point is. Jesus commanded his disciples to go into the "circuit of the cities of ISRAEL.."
THAT'S RIGHT! And they weren't looking for pagans. Some got drawn in like in the Exodus. I think that's what the parable of the dragnet might be referencing. BUT they traveled all over Europe looking for the lost sheep of ISRAEL. Jeremiah was buried in Ireland, btw, and both Paul and Peter had been to England.
does god command christians to go from door to door preaching the gospel?.
based on a quick reading and misinterpretation of acts 20:20, many believe that the apostle paul preached the gospel of the kingdom from house to house, to those who were unconverted.
Not when you're uninvited and you're the real pagan, not of Israel.
Matt 10:5-6 “Go nowhere among the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
does god command christians to go from door to door preaching the gospel?.
based on a quick reading and misinterpretation of acts 20:20, many believe that the apostle paul preached the gospel of the kingdom from house to house, to those who were unconverted.
Tell them to renounce all their holidays and pagan traditions.
I've worked Jewish neighborhoods and I've never heard of a Jewish convert.
does god command christians to go from door to door preaching the gospel?.
based on a quick reading and misinterpretation of acts 20:20, many believe that the apostle paul preached the gospel of the kingdom from house to house, to those who were unconverted.
It was still to reach THE LOST SHEEP OF ISRAEL.
Modern day x-tians will never get it thru their heads that they are also pagan - ie Christian in name only,
As their religions are steeped in paganism
does god command christians to go from door to door preaching the gospel?.
based on a quick reading and misinterpretation of acts 20:20, many believe that the apostle paul preached the gospel of the kingdom from house to house, to those who were unconverted.
does god command christians to go from door to door preaching the gospel?.
based on a quick reading and misinterpretation of acts 20:20, many believe that the apostle paul preached the gospel of the kingdom from house to house, to those who were unconverted.
That way they didn't have to qualify as a 501(c) business where pastors, popes, elders, deacons and bishops skim off the top. And are forever begging for more.
so we had spent years building our "theocratic library" of bound volumes, books and other materials.
personally, i boxed everything, taped the boxes closed and threw them in a dumpster at a construction site.. i did actually feel bad though.
that was a lot of paper which could have been recycled!.
I still have the Concordance and the Reference Bbile that i use for reference cause I still think in jw.