Well what is it that you understand that chickens and dogs don't that sets you apart in terms of greiving?
JoinedPosts by freydo
An atheists grieve
by Borges ini'm reading here almost every day (kind of adicted i think).
but due to the fact, that my english isn't very good, i abstain from commenting most of the time.. nevertheless i'd like to share some thoughts with you.. .
when i learned the tatt over a year ago i quickly became an atheist.
An atheists grieve
by Borges ini'm reading here almost every day (kind of adicted i think).
but due to the fact, that my english isn't very good, i abstain from commenting most of the time.. nevertheless i'd like to share some thoughts with you.. .
when i learned the tatt over a year ago i quickly became an atheist.
I could qute Sripture, but it's over your head. You just wouldn't understand, being like a chicken, dog or Muslim.
An atheists grieve
by Borges ini'm reading here almost every day (kind of adicted i think).
but due to the fact, that my english isn't very good, i abstain from commenting most of the time.. nevertheless i'd like to share some thoughts with you.. .
when i learned the tatt over a year ago i quickly became an atheist.
Atheists shouldn't greive. You're just like chickens and dogs, etc. This feeling will quickly pass.
My country is sick
by sabastious inthis is a melancholy day for me.
over the past few years i have been studying american politics and have enjoyed learning perspectives from different ideologies.
i personally lean towards conservative values when it comes to creating legislature, however i am socially liberal.
Obama's spirit - it leans toward the dark side. So does Romney's. They both have religion, but neither talk about it.
The press is so dumbed down, ignorant and drugged that they can't or are afraid to ask.
Thanks Ohio. BTW I love pecans. Used to live under a big pecan tree and had to fight off the squirrels. LOL
And for any who haven't been too stupified by religion.......
My country is sick
by sabastious inthis is a melancholy day for me.
over the past few years i have been studying american politics and have enjoyed learning perspectives from different ideologies.
i personally lean towards conservative values when it comes to creating legislature, however i am socially liberal.
CLASSIC REWIND - 1965: 'If I Were the Devil' (Warning for a Nation) - Paul Harvey
Baptismal Authority
by Cold Steel insome questions about baptism:.
do the jehovah's witnesses accept any baptisms outside of their own authorized baptisms?as i understand it, any male member in the church can baptize.
if a father wanted to baptize his son or daughter, does that happen a lot?
How about "laying on of hands?"
49th Anniversary Of President Kennedy's Assassination
by Bangalore intoday marks the 49th anniversary of president kennedy's assassination.
please share your stories of that day if you were around then.
it is said that almost everyone in america who was around then remembers exactly where he or she was when they heard the news.. .
My country is sick
by sabastious inthis is a melancholy day for me.
over the past few years i have been studying american politics and have enjoyed learning perspectives from different ideologies.
i personally lean towards conservative values when it comes to creating legislature, however i am socially liberal.
Romans 1
21 For even though they knew God, they did not [ n ] honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and [ o ] crawling creatures. 24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for [ p ] a lie,
My country is sick
by sabastious inthis is a melancholy day for me.
over the past few years i have been studying american politics and have enjoyed learning perspectives from different ideologies.
i personally lean towards conservative values when it comes to creating legislature, however i am socially liberal.
Senator: Today's threats bigger than Cold War
'I look back wistfully at those days, as bad as they were'
Published: 1 day ago
by Bob Unruh"Oklahoma’s Sen. James Inhofe, who is in line to become the ranking Republican member of the Senate’s Armed Services Committee, knows he has his work cut out for him in the coming years. He will try to maintain a strong military that will protect Americans from tinpot dictators and rogue governments seeking nuclear weapons.
“There’s a big difference today from the old Soviet Union and the Cold War,” Inhofe told WND today. “I look back wistfully at those days, as bad as they were.”
He said that during the years of rocket-rattling by Nikita Kruschev and other Soviet leaders, at least the “enemy” was a rational human who, although politics and priorities differed vastly, wanted to remain alive. That’s no longer the case, Inhofe said. And to compound the problem, there no longer is a single Soviet bear looming on the horizon. There are dozens, perhaps more, renegade and radical dictators who would like to stage a surprise attack on the United States.Back then, too, American presidents wanted a powerfully armed U.S. military, but Barack Obama is dedicated to social experiments and no longer desires that, Inhofe told WND.
In an exclusive interview about the hurdles he faces to keep the nation strong militarily, Inhofe said liberals in Washington believe America doesn’t need a military.
“I know,” he said, “I deal with these people.”
Inhofe said he saw the anti-military movement when Obama was running for president in 2008 and noted the immediate policy changes when Obama took over the White House.
“He did what I thought. He did away with the F-22, our lift capacity in the C-17 and future combat systems,” Inhofe said, citing a jet fighter project as well as a helicopter project under way. Then Obama also eliminated the ground-based interceptor missile system in Poland, he said, even though that system is critically important to the defense of America and its allies.
“I have been ranked the most conservative member of the Senate,” he told WND. “But I am a big spender in two areas: national defense and infrastructure.”
Obama, meanwhile, dished out $800 billion in stimulus money and another $700 billion bailout for “social engineering.”
“We didn’t have anything for it, military or roads or highways,” Inhofe said...............
I just wanted to kick off this Holiday Week (USA anyway) with.....
by OnTheWayOut in.....best wishes for everyone.
in case you (or i) get busy and don't get a chance to say it later, happy thanksgiving!.
but seriously, no matter your situation, please remember those that care about you and enjoy their company:.
It's time to ban Christmas presents
"Giving to children is a joy but does everyone else need a gift too? This Christmas try adopting a brave new approach."
By Martin Lewis
"Is it time to ban Christmas presents? Across the country people are growling at the enforced obligation to waste money on tat they can't afford, for people who won't use it. Festive gift-giving has lost its point, risks doing more harm than good, mis-teaches our children about values and kills the joy of anticipation of what should be a joyous time.
Before you think this is just curmudgeonly bah-humbug, this rant isn't about presents under the spruce from parents or grandparents to children or spouses. It's about the ever-growing creep of gifts to extended family, colleagues, children's teachers and more.
I first braved this subject on my website back in 2009, expecting a snowstorm of protest. Instead, many people joined my call to arms, relieved they were not alone in their distaste for the gifting ritual.
The next year, I polled 10,000 people on whether we should ban presents. Seven per cent said ditch all of them, 30 per cent said to all but children, and a further 46 per cent said limit it to the immediate family. Fewer than one in five supported giving beyond that.
Yet even with years of economic stagnation, each successive Christmas, Eid or Hanukkah, too few brave the peer pressure and shut up the giving shop. With Christmas just five weeks away, there's still time to pull back and agree on NO PRESENTS THIS YEAR......."
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfi...Jennifer Waters's Consumer Confidential Archives | Email alerts
Nov. 19, 2012, 10:24 a.m. EST
Why are retailers ruining Thanksgiving?
Commentary: Customers want Black Friday to start on Thursday
CHICAGO (MarketWatch) — Say goodbye to Thanksgiving — and Black Friday while you’re at it. Retailers are wrecking holiday time for shoppers and shop workers alike.
This year will see an unprecedented move by the big boys of retail to open their stores earlier than ever on Thanksgiving Day, putting pressure on the traditions — from indulging in an oversize dinner to loafing around watching football — that many families hold sacred............