Kurt Nimmo
March 17, 2011
"The Japan Times reports the Pentagon will send an unmanned Global Hawk high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft over the deteriorating Fukushima nuclear complex today.
“Photographs taken by the plane equipped with infrared sensors could provide a useful clue to what is occurring inside the reactor buildings, around which high-level radiation has been detected,” the news source reports.
The flight is basically unnecessary and represents PR spin. Both the Pentagon and the Japanese government know full well the severity of the situation at the Fukushima plant and they are not releasing this information to either the Japanese or American people.
The Pentagon is responsible for developing nuclear technology and has particle detectors, also known as radiation detectors, positioned around the world. The USS George Washington and USS Ronald Reagan, both now parked off Japan, are outfitted with radiation detection technology.
In addition, the radiation can be tracked by the U.S. Air Force’s Constant Phoenix WC-135 jets, which are designed to monitor airborne fallout from nuclear weapons tests............
A senior U.S. defense official told NBC News that Constant Phoenix’s involvement in the Japanese fiasco was “absolutely” a significant event. “We are using it to help out a nation,” the official said. “It’s significant.”
More PR spin. The Pentagon moved to gauge the threat well before any supposed request by the Japanese government. It deployed its sophisticated technology – and that of the NRC and the NNSA (the National Nuclear Security Administration) – to size up the threat early on. The Pentagon acts on its own. It does not wait for requests from government, including our own Congress.
In the United States, the EPA has a vast array of radiation detection stations. In Californiaalone, there are twelve stations measuring air particulates, real-time gamma, and the contamination of milk and drinking water. It remains to be seen if the EPA will share this data with the American people.........
As we reported over the weekend, the CIA’s USAID was dispatched to micromanage the release and spin of information on the disaster. Yoichi Shimatsu, the former editor of the Japan Times Weekly, told CCTV a large scale cover-up is unfolding.
“The CIA, through USAID, is running a disinfo campaign on Japan’s earthquake crippled nuclear facilities for geopolitical reasons. The Japanese people will ultimately suffer, as will millions of other people who happen to be downwind from the stricken plants,” we wrote at the time......"