I've been in the consulting industry for abt. 15 years, doing administrative work... now an office mgr. My life's dream was to be a broadway actress... but alas, according to my dad, all actors are "whores"... so they refused to let me go to acting school. (Although I was allowed, after many sessions of arguing, to act/sing/dance in any and all school plays, summer stock, etc.... and I also was enrolled in music & dance classes from the age of about 5 yrs. on! go figure.) Some say it's never too late... ya never know!
Posts by JBean
POLL: Occupations
by Angst inas a witness what occupation did/do you hold?.
i was speaking with a friend of mine that is a former witness and we remarked about how many of us have worked in some sort of janitorial work.
by MadApostate insince it has been several years since i attended an assembly/convention, i don't know if some of you folks are still picketing such, .
the upcoming special assembly this sunday would seem to be a great opportunity to spread this un issue to the jw r&f.. can't you just hear the "buzz" in the hallways:.
"why are the apostates holding signs saying, 'get the wbts out of the un'"?.
Sorry...ummm... back to the original thread: About the picketing... I remember "those people" : ) outside of major conventions when I was a kid. Haven't seen them for YEARS now...it would definitely be a hoot to see something like this happen now. I would be very interested in seeing folks' reactions.
by MadApostate insince it has been several years since i attended an assembly/convention, i don't know if some of you folks are still picketing such, .
the upcoming special assembly this sunday would seem to be a great opportunity to spread this un issue to the jw r&f.. can't you just hear the "buzz" in the hallways:.
"why are the apostates holding signs saying, 'get the wbts out of the un'"?.
Thanks DbY! I'm clear on this now. Hey Fred... I kinda like you. You're probably the only fun in your congregation! They must come to blows to get you in their car group for service. :)
by MadApostate insince it has been several years since i attended an assembly/convention, i don't know if some of you folks are still picketing such, .
the upcoming special assembly this sunday would seem to be a great opportunity to spread this un issue to the jw r&f.. can't you just hear the "buzz" in the hallways:.
"why are the apostates holding signs saying, 'get the wbts out of the un'"?.
I'm smiling now... but seriously: are you for real or are you just pretending 'cos you're bored?
by MadApostate insince it has been several years since i attended an assembly/convention, i don't know if some of you folks are still picketing such, .
the upcoming special assembly this sunday would seem to be a great opportunity to spread this un issue to the jw r&f.. can't you just hear the "buzz" in the hallways:.
"why are the apostates holding signs saying, 'get the wbts out of the un'"?.
I'm fairly new here, but who is Fred Hall???? Whoever you are, you sound like you might be a JW... but that doesn't make any sense because if you ARE, you shouldn't be on this board!!!!! And what language you use.... if you are out to prove others wrong and yourself right... you are definitely not going about it the right way. You sound less spiritual than the others you label apostate! Seriously. Will someone please explain to me if this "guy" is for real?!?!?
Prevalence of JW Suicides - Real or Imagined?
by AMNESIAN inin one or two recent threads i've seen reference to the possibility of a rising number of jw suicides being another of the organization's very dark realities about which it is vigilant in keeping concealed from its pub populace.
is there anyone reasonably informed regarding this?
is there reason to suppose the incidence ratio among jws is any higher than among any peoples/religion?
Notice how we haven't heard from Godrules in a while since all of your posts, huh? All I have to say is to GR is that your comments were obnoxious and self-righteous (meditate on that for a while if you're so spiritual.) I was born and raised in the faith, but fortunately, had people surrounding me that basically said "THINK, use your god-given conscience... but don't speak too loudly... "THEY may hear you..." Hmmmmm....makes you wonder. I am quietly me :)
Shephering Visit - Update
by stevieb1 inyou may have read my thread from last week entitled "my personal turmoil" in which i discussed my congregation elders wanting to meet with me to "encourage" me to believe that jehovah is using the watchtower society as his organization.
i said in that thread that i had told them to leave me alone, well anyway on tuesday night the same elder phoned me to accept a "shephering visit" and again i refused.
not taking no for an answer he approached me again in the kingdom hall on thursday and told me that i must accept a shepherding visit out of necessity because i was in spiritual danger and the elders wanted to "help".
I would also like to know when they changed the baptismal question. It may help me at some point! I was young so I don't even recall the "seque"!
Life in a small town
by Belmont inwe live in a small town in england where for 30 years we were stalwarts of the local congregation, and then walked away, not df'd or da'd.
there is virtually only one main street, and the reaction of the jws to us is a lesson in human behaviour.
some ostentatiously shun us, some "love bomb" us, and one elder whom we have known since he was 10 years old, actually walked away when we spoke to him.
Dogpatch: That was absolutely priceless!!!!!! It made me laugh all the way through because it is sooo cheeky! Then I realized that so many still believe it lock, stock and barrel. Amazing.
Questions for our brand 'Newbies'
by LDH incould you please tell us all how long you lurked before you decided to join us?.
and if i missed anyone, i'm sorry.
Lurked so long I can't really put a timeline to it! Finally decided that this board was pretty safe and wanted to join in. I need to tell you all that it IS SO TRUE: there are those affected by what you say and your opinions and it makes people THINK!!!! (Even those of us who cannot, for one reason or another, commit to anything at this point in time!) I really believe that there are more JW's out there who are questioning big-time than we'll every really know about.
RE: "Special Meeting"
by Quandary ini'm very surprised that my family has not heard about this "special meeting".
we are a 3rd generation jw family, dad is the po, mom has been a reg pio for 25 yrs, brother is a bethelite.
can anyone tell me the date of this supposed "special meeting" and if there is a chicagoland location.. thanks
Hi all... my first time here. But alas... I was a "lurker" for soooo long! :) I guess I'd be in trouble if they found out I held a Marriott frequent guest card! I agree with the fact that Marriott more than likely didn't lower their rates enough. Could never figure out who would want to stay in the "roach motels" that are on the list!